Around the dinner table, the conversation was lively. Thank you but for now, the forum has been archived.
Last night it strikes me that they used completely different angles for these ones and I decided to make a side-by-side comparision.
Could this be an indication of the endless times this has been replayed with Cooper trying to go back in time to save Laura?
Coop suddenly having magical abilities in the hall there threw me off, especially the fact that he uses them for something as inconsequential as opening the curtains.
Some people think that's Richard. But I am not sure.
The path that the two Coop walks, side by side, forms an 8. The infinite sign.
I like that idea that the 2 views form the infinity sign. Perhaps there's a lesson there for Cooper. Maybe he should plan his priorities with Lodge entities like the Fireman and the One Armed Man. Leland will always want his daughter to be found both to assuage his guilt, and because he is her father. Maybe Cooper shouldn't allow himself to be diverted into that priority. He should set his priorities with those who have a wider view of the situation. By working to solve the problem of Judy as his priority, he could still end up helping Laura.