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Not quite a debunk if you take her words literally, since there may be other ways to watch those parts that do sync. I think more likely that some scenes throughout season 3 and earlier could be synced to see some interesting parallels. There was pretty clear evidence of a sync with Coop in the Box in the earlier parts, so I wouldn't be surprised to see other examples, although it seems unlikely entire episodes sync up.
Seems un-Lynchian to give such an unequivocal reply. Why be such a killjoy and ruin the mystery like that?
If people are fond of the theory, they are free to run with it. The problem is so many people are tied into the idea that they were "meant" to be seen that way. Sabrina Sutherland is well aware of the meticulous work that went into creating and completing these two parts, and probably has a strong reaction, as I bet Lynch would, to the idea of people going around saying the episodes were meant to be watched with the visuals and sound design obfuscated by viewing them concurrently. Lynch cares about people giving themselves the best experience possible when viewing films, see his comments about viewing movies on cell phones.
Not quite a debunk if you take her words literally, since there may be other ways to watch those parts that do sync. I think more likely that some scenes throughout season 3 and earlier could be synced to see some interesting parallels. There was pretty clear evidence of a sync with Coop in the Box in the earlier parts, so I wouldn't be surprised to see other examples, although it seems unlikely entire episodes sy"nc up.
"Definitely not the way" seems pretty clear to me.
Seems un-Lynchian to give such an unequivocal reply. Why be such a killjoy and ruin the mystery like that?
Seems un-Lynchian to give such an unequivocal reply. Why be such a killjoy and ruin the mystery like that?
I thought so too which makes me think they were aware of this already and the answer comes straight from Lynch. She's being coy about other things and about leaving the mystery, etc. which makes me think somebody really doesn't like the sync idea.
This answer gives a little wiggle room for the sync but I think she is mostly equivocal here because answering would say too much about 'We line inside a dream."
Hmm. That's interesting.
I think there is something to the 'sync' theory, especially since this series is supposed to be like a 'puzzle', where pieces introduced later explain what happened before, giving new explanations and clues etc. At the same time, I think its correct to say that it is 'not' the way to read the two, in the sense that it does not give some kind of spacial/temporal equalization(the world has still 'spun' by the end of 17, then again at 18), nor a complete answer here, etc.... its more like a tension between the two that ends where it ends, with the scream and the whisper, but remembering Laura disappearing in the woods, with the music coming in, the dreams, etc....something emerges from this tension, in reaction to it, for instance, being back at Twin Peaks horror, etc., realizing the inescapably of it, despite the factual solution, Odessa, etc, then thinking about what was lost there in comparison to Odessa, remembering Laura disappearing in the woods and the music, etc.....
I read on here that Lynch told Badalamenti to write three songs for the 'restaurant scene' where Dougie ate pie with the Mitchums, one melancholia/sad(episode 18) and one upbeat(episode 17). So what is the third song? That is where we are left, to have the old Twin Peaks, the dreams of Laura that disappear in the woods, they hit the negative of 18, Cooper confronting how contemporary 'Odessa life' is not fit for Twin Peaks, what made the Laura tragedy special etc.(since its standard and accepted that these things are normal now, like Jean Michel talking about the local students, the widespread drugs/overdoses, legal drug business, Cooper being in with criminals, etc.) So how Laura would be today if everything ended just happily.... it would be the same result, just the element of tragedy and pain would be eliminated, it would just be normal and she would be sent to Odessa somewhere and rot, never dealing with the pain, mystery, standing up for dreams, etc. The third song is emerging somewhere around here, right when we complete the return with the scream....then we get the final negative reaction to the two here, Laura's scream....remembering her dreams and the horror/pain....what is the problem with the upbeat song, what is wrong with life today, is it good enough for Twin Peaks.....would that even work today.....or would everyone take it like cynical 'bro' Chad, who was laughing at deaths, suicides, oh its not a big deal, hah hah, I can say what I want, happens all the time, etc.....Odessa life here, vs. original series, the world spins, whats the date, its not 89/90, etc., Laura tragedy here...?
I would like to see a next season, seems like they were onto enough to attempt the next step....would be nice to see this attempted...
Seems un-Lynchian to give such an unequivocal reply. Why be such a killjoy and ruin the mystery like that?
Sabriana Sutherland is probably aware of how meticulous the process of creating these parts was and the idea of people going around saying that they were "meant" to be seen with the audio and visuals obfuscated probably does not sit well with her, or I would imagine, Lynch. Lynch cares about the conditions people create for themselves when experiencing his art, see his comments about people watching films on cell phones.
Third time is a charm. This is no accident. Deliberate. Any type of syncing is as dead as Marley's door nail.
Ask her why there is no electricity sound on Lynch/Frost Productions after part 18.
[–]SabrinaSOfficial[S] [score hidden] just now
This is definitely not the way to watch these parts.