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The end scene is Cooper hearing something from Laura Palmer, what has already happened (I guess). So, could that Carrie Page "end" actually not be the real end but some flashback, something in between? Something that will help to understand the story (if this is something that can be done) but not the "real ending" itself.
No. Or maybe. It depends.
If - repeat if - my idea is right, it's like this...
In a strict, linear sense, no. In the overall "What's up with Dale Cooper?" possibly, because I think he's been down this road several times (or "Event Cycles", if you prefer) and keeps getting the whole thing totally wrong.
To the outside world, nobody would notice. For all you know, there could be millions and millions of years between one quantum event and the next, as far as a hypothetical outside observer was concerned, but we wouldn't know. Time effectively stops, or more correctly, doesn't even exist between one event and the next. So, if Coop is caught in a potentially endless cycle, nobody would know it. He seems to have a little idea something's wrong but then drifts off, so he could be stuck in a loop for some time (that word again) yet.