Around the dinner table, the conversation was lively. Thank you but for now, the forum has been archived.
I've noticed that Laura meets Dale only when he's aged.
As evidences, the first Cooper's dream in season 1 and all the black lodge scenes in season 3.
It seems to me at first glance that Laura is looking for aged Coop's help (maybe how to find her), help that young Cooper is unable to resolve since he's so focus on finding who killed her.
This is what first came to my mind after the uncertainty of time (is it past or future) and after reading theories on how Dale's dreams could be memories of the future.
It is worth noticing that, whereas Cooper is alway aged in the black lodge, Laura appears there during two different ages of hers. Does time work differently between the two? If so, is Cooper unstuck in time, an AC type? for example...
Does anyone have an opinion about Laura only meeting aged Dale Cooper?
Further notes:
if the dreamer of the TP dream is Laura, is plausible that when she dreams Cooper, either she's a prom queen or a mature woman, he has the same look because she doesn't know him in real life.