Around the dinner table, the conversation was lively. Thank you but for now, the forum has been archived.
Ok, this topic has surely been discussed earlier. But since we're at the end of season 3 after 25/27 years, what would have been a season 3 produced, shot and aired in the mid-90's? What differences between the Return and the hypothetical season 3 soon after season 2?
- Dale Cooper would have been rescued from the Black Lodge much sooner, either by Sheriff Truman or Major Briggs.
- We would have seen more of Bob.
- We would have seen Audrey in hospital.
- The Log Lady would not have been dying.
- We would have seen Wally Brando as a baby.
- No Frank Truman (Harry would have still been around).
- Leo would have been found dead in the woodland hut after being bitten by that huge spider.
- Ben would have been in hospital with his head wound.
- We would see Dr Hayward in a prison cell after being arrested for attacking Ben (because physical assault is a crime even if you're a respected doctor).
- Pete would have got his truck back.
- Donna would be receiving counselling after finding out Ben is her dad.
- Ronnette would be on some kind of serious medication due to endless nightmares and screaming fits due to her PTSD from witnessing Laura's murder.
Well I think Major Briggs was going to help get the good Cooper out of the Black Lodge was one plot line.
More hair! 😉
A young Mr. C., who perhaps still could pass himself off as Dale. The murder of Annie.
I understand that the script had Leo being rescued. Surprised Eric da re has not been in the show, since his mom seems to be (associate producer or some such title).