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“Diane... Entering the town of Twin Peaks.”

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Lucy thoughts

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 Re-watching that conversation she had with Gordon Cole a few episodes back got me thinking...

We've had some very bizarre Lucy related stuff going on these last few episodes: 

1. We see two Lucy references in the Giant/Fireman's visionquest shown to Andy. One involves the TP phone lines blinking, the other (with camera shaking - which it only did when something ominous was on screen) was of her being led down a hallway by Andy. 

2. In the scene where Hawk announces the Log Lady's death, Lucy is oddly illuminated.  Bright light is fixated on her the entire scene.  And it is her emotional reaction that carries the scene. 

3. We now have Diane cryptically saying, "I'm not, uhh, me. I'm in a sheriff's station."  And immediately we all jump to the conclusion that she must mean something about Naido/Freddie-the-glove/Drunken-Bleeding guy.  But there are other people in that station too, including......wait for it....LUCY!  I kid, but still - she is there. 

Weirdest of all though - go back and look at two seemingly throwaway bits of dialogue from Lucy from this year. 

- She tells Chad a weird story about her and Andy "missing time" when they thought a clock had stopped. 

- She has that strange phone conversation with Gordon Cole when he calls in to speak with Truman about Cooper.  

Let's take a look at that phone conversation one more time: 

(Gordon):  "Is that you, Lucy?  Have you been there all these years?" 

(Lucy):  "Well, actually, I have gone home.  And Andy and I have taken some vacations.  One year we went to Bora Bora."  

(Gordon):  (long, dramatic pause)

Okay, so what gives?  Lucy goes home at night. And she took a vacation to Bora Bora.  So what? 

Well, probably nothing, but it's worth noting that in a Lynch universe, we can't be absolutely certain what she means when she says she has "gone home".  Where is that?  Also, why Bora Bora?  

Bora Bora is perhaps best known for two primary features;  A now dormant volcano (black smoke/fire walk with me), and a large, turquoise lake/lagoon. 

Hmmmm.  turquoise?   missing time?   Who knows, it may turn out her other seemingly throwaway dialogue about the dog getting loose in the station winds up meaning...something. 


Posted : 29/08/2017 9:55 am
Posts: 334
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Interesting, I took the pause as a sign Gordon could not hear her or that he was hoping she would shut up and pass him along if he stopped engaging her.  I think Lucy has a role to play as the one that helps identify the evil cooper/good cooper in the last 2 episodes.

Posted : 29/08/2017 10:01 am
Deja Lee reacted
Posts: 316
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Posted by: Charlie

Interesting, I took the pause as a sign Gordon could not hear her or that he was hoping she would shut up and pass him along if he stopped engaging her.  I think Lucy has a role to play as the one that helps identify the evil cooper/good cooper in the last 2 episodes.

yeah that seems to be the most logical assumption. I do wonder why the camera was shaking violently when it showed that scene in Andy's vision?  It only did that when showing "bad" things (Woodsmen, Convenience Store, and DoppleCoop). 

I guess her choosing the right Dale sort of parallels her picking between Andy and Dick to be Wally's father.  

Posted : 29/08/2017 10:11 am
Deja Lee reacted
Posts: 338
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I'm ready for that premonition.  In Andy's vision Lucy was wearing a sweater that looked like merit badges sewn on all over.  Not that they are, but I think I'll recognize it when I see it again. 

Posted : 29/08/2017 6:01 pm
Deja Lee reacted
Posts: 251
Reputable Member

I mentioned this Bora Bora connection in the Episode 14 section. Bora Bora has twin peaks: Mount Pahia and Mount Otemanu. 


Posted : 29/08/2017 6:31 pm
Lynn Watson reacted
Posts: 124
Estimable Member

Yeah, I also noticed and was concerned about the shaky camera with Andy & Lucy.  I took it to mean that she was looking at something bad and scary... and with Andy backing away.

Posted : 29/08/2017 6:40 pm
Posts: 829
Prominent Member

I have been mulling hard over the thought that we are EXPECTED to think that Diane was channeling Naido, but that that might be a set up...

Posted : 29/08/2017 6:52 pm
Jocelyn Rowe reacted
Posts: 231
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Posted by: MJ Gilbert

I have been mulling hard over the thought that we are EXPECTED to think that Diane was channeling Naido, but that that might be a set up...

interesting - why is this Diane observation on a thread about Lucy? But while we're here - it's not safe to think we all have the same reactions and expectations--it never occurred  to me that Diane was channeling Naido, and not sure where you got that. OK - that's interesting.-- hmm.

Posted : 29/08/2017 6:59 pm
WELCOME TO TWIN PEAKS | Fanning the fire, one (b)log at a time | And there's always David Lynch in the air...
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