Around the dinner table, the conversation was lively. Thank you but for now, the forum has been archived.
Could Judy be Caroline Earle? Since everyone who's talking about (& is supposed to know) her is associated with the FBI, & she was Windom Earle's wife?
Could Judy be Caroline Earle? Since everyone who's talking about (& is supposed to know) her is associated with the FBI, & she was Windom Earle's wife?
Possibly, but only if she's a tulpa (since Windom killed her or maybe he killed her tulpa?). The original idea was that Judy might have been Josie's sister (as hinted at by Robert Engels cowriter for FWWM). But that may have been abandoned by Lynch and Frost for TPTR (and is possibly one of the reasons Josie is not in season 3).
I'm thinking she's the one who had the bug crawl into her mouth . . and/or the one who shot her ganger that Cole and Jefferiea found that became the first Blue Rose Case
Judy is the experiment/mother in the sense that she is inside Sarah Palmer when she crawled inside her in 1956. So in that sense Cooper as met Judy because she is Sarah Palmer with the mother/experiment inside of her.
Calling it. She's that boob-ed blob thing. Pretty sure.
Totally called it.