Now we know that Diane was manufactured (I definitely didn't see that coming!!!).
In various threads she is referred to as Diane's doppelganger and also as a tulpa, sometimes interchangeably.
Aren't they different things?
I assume that everyone has a "shadow self" doppelganger (probably already in existence?) in the Black Lodge, who has to be confronted in order to move on to the White Lodge.
As I understand it, tulpas are manufactured (out of thought, in the Tibetan tradition).
Was Diane's tulpa manufactured out of the "real" ("this" world) Diane or out of her Doppelganger?
(Apologies for overlap with Diane-related threads but this question goes beyond Diane.)
Hmmm, I never really thought much about it. I kind of just used them interchangeably. I suppose a tulpa is a doppel in the truest sense of the word but a doppel is not necessarily a tulpa in this the TP use of the word.
Doppelganger: an apparition or double of a living person
Having never heard of a Tulpa until Tammy said it, I'm certainly no expert. But it seems usually to refer to thoughts of a being, a place, or thing that is from the collective minds of many individuals. Seems to me that a tulpa is totally different from a doppelganger which I think the fake Diane was.
Just to clarify, you're theory is that Diane is a doppelganger?
If so, hey why not. Have we ever seen a doppel die? That might be what happens to them.
Doppelganger does mean double but I think it has a more specific sense in the world of Twin Peaks and the Lodges.
I think Diane was manufactured but I am not sure that she is a Lodge-dwelling doppelganger in the way that others we've seen are: Cooper/Mr C, the evolution of the arm, Laura's and Leland's doppelgangers.
I used to think they were different things.
The show has established that tulpas are manufactured and require seeds as well as a bit of DNA (Dale gave Mike a bit of hair to go with the seed to make a new Dougie for Janey-E and Sonny Jim).
We weren't shown how the first DoppelCoop came to be. It seemed like he was just waiting in the Black Lodge for a chance to swap with Dale, so I had assumed the doppelganger phenomenon was different from The Return's tulpas.
Now though, I'm not so sure. Perhaps they are just two different words to describe the same phenomenon.
Doppelganger does mean double but I think it has a more specific sense in the world of Twin Peaks and the Lodges.
I think Diane was manufactured but I am not sure that she is a Lodge-dwelling doppelganger in the way that others we've seen are: Cooper/Mr C, the evolution of the arm, Laura's and Leland's doppelgangers.
Agree. Doppelgänger seems to refer to the shadow self and is associated with negative connotations (bad/evil).
I don't think we know enough about Diane to conclude if she is a tulpa or doppelgänger, but I also agree: she's probably a tulpa not a shadow self doppelgänger.