Around the dinner table, the conversation was lively. Thank you but for now, the forum has been archived.
The same atmospheric noise that first appeared in the Great Northern, when Ben and Beverly tried to identify its source, came back right before Agent Cooper woke up, confusing Bushnell Mullins who began to look around for its source.
That noise seems to have something to do with Twin Peaks and its 'nature'/call from the world outside a person(maybe from Mr. C's 'THE place'/void etc. he is searching for with the coordinates); and this sound seems to be focused on/coming from Twin Peaks: first it appeared in the Great Northern to Ben and Beverly, and in the boiler room of the Great Northern it appeared to James when he went to check the furnaces/fire after being 'shaken' by Freddie's story. It also appeared(although muffled by a vacuum and erratic) to Diane when she was at the bar in the Buckhorn hotel right before she entered the coordinates for Twin Peaks on her phone. Now it appeared right before Agent Cooper woke up and rushed off directly to Twin Peaks, along with music and nostalgia from the original series.
Also, this atmospheric noise does not seem to simply be something 'good', since it was the focal point which almost led to an affair between Ben and Beverly, then resulted in Beverly abusing her seriously ill husband for trying to 'call her out' on her affair(or attempt at one). The noise was also heard by Diane at the hotel bar in Buckhorn when she was having a drink and checking her phone, and we have just seen where this location and activity has led Diane, to her attempt at murdering the Blue Rose Task Force, now somehow is 'at the sherrifs station' of Twin Peaks. Further, we know fire and electricity is a 'source of energy' which can be 'good' or sick 'black fire', depending on the 'intention behind it', according to Hawk and his map. So there is a question what happened to James in that boiler room with the fire/furnaces he checked, and a question of the intention behind the electricity that Agent Cooper shocked himself with in Las Vegas, leading him to wake up.
Any ideas on what this noise is all about, what it means for the people who hear it?
Many have speculated that it is a Tibetan singing bowl. If that's the case, this sound has been used as part of the tradition of meditation by Tibetan Buddhists for generations. The sound helps to unite the body/mind/spirit. It's hard for me to imagine the sound as part of the negative intention of some lodge entities, but it does seem that it's used as a signal for focusing on something important. To me, it is a positive sound that enables relaxation and signals the beginning of a quiet mind.
In TP, it definitely draws the focus of the characters. I have no idea what James discovered, although I hope we find out. The conflicting noises during the Diane scene could indicate that she was conflicted. I don't think her allegiance to Mister C was something that she wanted to carry out. Perhaps that sound unified her tulpa self with her true self, long enough to allow her to provide the information about her encounter with Mister C to the Blue Rose team.
The use of Tibetan philosophies in Twin Peaks has always been one of my favorite aspects of the show. Lynch did this long before it was fashionable to follow HH the Dalai Lama. I believe that the sound is a positive one, that can guide the listener to the truth or enable the truth to manifest itself. This sound allowed us so have the moment where Mullins focused on following the sound, so Cooper could wake up and talk to the one armed man.
I'd say the sound was generated by MIKE in order to get Bushnell to leave. Which could indicate that a lodger also generated the sound in the great northern for a reason. We'll probably know all about it in a few hours...
Many have speculated that it is a Tibetan singing bowl. If that's the case, this sound has been used as part of the tradition of meditation by Tibetan Buddhists for generations. The sound helps to unite the body/mind/spirit. It's hard for me to imagine the sound as part of the negative intention of some lodge entities, but it does seem that it's used as a signal for focusing on something important. To me, it is a positive sound that enables relaxation and signals the beginning of a quiet mind.
In TP, it definitely draws the focus of the characters. I have no idea what James discovered, although I hope we find out. The conflicting noises during the Diane scene could indicate that she was conflicted. I don't think her allegiance to Mister C was something that she wanted to carry out. Perhaps that sound unified her tulpa self with her true self, long enough to allow her to provide the information about her encounter with Mister C to the Blue Rose team.
The use of Tibetan philosophies in Twin Peaks has always been one of my favorite aspects of the show. Lynch did this long before it was fashionable to follow HH the Dalai Lama. I believe that the sound is a positive one, that can guide the listener to the truth or enable the truth to manifest itself. This sound allowed us so have the moment where Mullins focused on following the sound, so Cooper could wake up and talk to the one armed man.
Right, but in this 'coming to peace with the world' and getting a quiet mind, etc., can be also in relation to uniting with 'the evil in those woods', or the underside and 'sleepwalking' of nature, its default slow decay and violent outbursts. A person could just 'come to peace with it' by thinking that nothing can be done, that they simply can no longer be bothered or care about it, that this is the way it is for eternity, etc. Big Ed seemed to be meditating so that he would not get upset about Norma and Walter, and this worked out for him only because of Norma's intervention to stay with her 'family' and not 'compromise her pies' for the 'well dressed man' or representative of the world of business, the one who moves well in the 'law of the land', its representative. If Norma would have just 'come to peace with the world' in that situation, we never would have seen that outcome, what is her dreams that made her reject the world and the seven other diners with happy people, the violent abandoning of the entire endeavor to focus on Big Ed, which also had implications for Nadie, Jacobi, Shelly, etc.?......If the sound is a 'call from nature/world', whether its good or not, worthy of being 'united' with or accepted in peace, depends on the 'law of the land'; and as we know about Twin Peaks, there is a 'natural' force and people who should not be simply 'accepted', to 'come to peace with them', but required the intervention of people to struggle with their crimes.... That sound is, I think, something like a call from the world etc., some demand to relate to the world, but the 'good in the world' and 'spirit' is not guaranteed, but comes with how things are realized by people, what their stance is take everything as guaranteed and great would be to neglect the duty in that situation...Norma realized that, and decided to stand up for community, love, etc, violently rejecting the 'call from the world' via the well dressed 'mover' Walter.
So will James go the way of Freddie and seek to 'garden' nature with his glove, intervene and help people, or will he just go on imagining that nature/law is great as it is, 'come to peace with it', etc., come to peace with BOB, like MIKE's arm does over the convenience store? It was the same problem for James at Laura's funeral when he tried to attack Bobby for intervening and trying to make the community/world/nature recognize its failures that led to Laura's death, while James seemed to be happy to shut Bobby up and pretend those problems were not there; but the problem here is the same with MIKE, if you do that, and the world is not taken care of by people intervening, your 'arm' will then related to BOB above the convenience store, if thats the world that 'wins the day'.....James always just tried to unite with the world, then when things did not work out he would leave and not understand what happened. We have seen how nature is split, and in that vortex there are just the dreams of people in relation to injustices in the world etc., like Andy dreaming about Twin Peaks and its problems etc., or Freddie getting the 'gardening glove' after dreaming about changing his stance from just 'being at peace and going along to pub' to thinking that something needs to be 'gardened', that nature/world is not presented as something great and taken care of right away, and it would be a waste of his existence to treat the world in such a way... And this is why Freddie's story bothered James, who looks like has been going to the pub the whole time......
So we will see with Cooper whether that noise, the 'call from the world', what is his goal and mission in relation to this. Is he still looking for justice, community etc., since he knows how badly things are set up in Philadelphia, or is he so comfortable and self-satisfied now that the call from the world will just make him seek to maintain his luxury as it is and neglect his duty. Good to remember that the Laura tragedy was never dealt with properly, and in the end Agent Cooper went mad, so its not all said and done here, no matter how much Dougie/Cooper was successful in integrating himself into 'Sin City' or 'viva Las Vegas'....the 'uniting' or coming to peace with the world, what it makes the person
I think from a spiritual point of view, the quiet mind sends us to a peaceful place in harmony with nature and the self. Even a decision that is right for the meditative self may not be pleasant for other people. Norma made the right decision for her, but the franchise man was not very pleased. I think the sound can represent something positive but maybe not for everyone.
My feeling is that it is a vibration of a being or place. There are theories about planes of existence occupying the same space we're in, but because of the level we're vibrating on, we cannot see the others. Cooper heard a long note in the piano bar that ALMOST matched that other hum/note/vibration, but I think it was just a reminder, a couple half-steps away from triggering a clear memory. When someone from the lodge comes around, the presence is so powerful that humans can hear the hum. But what am I talking about - What the hell are you all doing on this thread - shouldn't you be getting your place ready for the finale?
It's definitely a high vibration sound. A Tibetan singing bowl for sure. Perhaps it's Lynch's way of filtering in some loveliness.