All this started as a response in other threath about the "real Diane"
I posted somewhere there
Why must there be a real Diane? A Tulpa is not necessarily a creation based or copied from another. A Tulpa can be a person, or an animal, a landscape, an object, or a nonhuman entity .... whatever the creator wants to "imagine".
And then severalyatomicmagazine respond:
Interesting idea. I think I've been thinking there has to be a "real Diane" because Cooper, Cole, and Albert knew her back in the day.
However, if one or more of them is manufactured…
...and down another rabbit hole we go ?⚫️
All this make me think about something I have in my mind since we heard the word Tulpa....
When gordon tells us the "Monica Belluchi dream" ... he remembers the moment when Jeffries appeared. And Gordon said "Now I remember that" and then Albert said the same thing. At that moment (for me) it was as if the "dreamer" was directing the dream and "allows" them to remember some things (different as how happened ... the line from Jeffries is different from the one we heard from Bowie ... but like we never remember things exactly as the way it happened ...either Gordon and Albert).... Then we receive the "Tulpa thing"...
A Tulpa can be a "new creation" (product of meditation / strong suggestion) that can obtain autonomy as more people "believe" in its existence ...
In a way everything can be a giant Tulpa ... due to "we live inside a dream"
Let's Rock.....
Hawk says The Nez-Perce believed in the Black & White Lodges...
Let's say that The Nez-Perce created these Tulpas (B & W Lodges) and how they behave product of strong suggestion / meditation.
B&W Lodges didn't really exist until the Nez-Perce created the "illusion" of the Lodges ... (like religion at one point)
As the Tulpas are not limited only to creations of people, a tulpa can be a place, an object, even a nonhuman being ... then a product of the Nez-Perce's belief we get a mother, bob, mike, fireman, Doppelgangers, waiting room, etc .... All this belongs to the Black & White Lodge Imaginarium.
As this belief begins to reach more people, even people outside the Nez-Perce, these entities have their own autonomy outside the control of the Nez-Perce / creator ... Then we have BOB (like a Tulpa from another Tulpa) that can now be outside the domain of the Black Lodge, who wants it back ... Only the gifted and the damned can see Bob ... You have to believe in some form to see it.
That leads me to Diane ... we never saw Diane until this season ... Cooper recorded tapes talking to her -not phonecalls- and in the only scene where he speaks to her "personally" (FWWM) we don't see her either .... Diane could be A Tulpa created by Cooper and not by MrC?
Diane is always at the service of Cooper even after he raped her ... but after this she is a little mixed-up, because there is something from Bob inside her now, so it's like two people inside the same person.
Something similar to what happens with Audrey .... after being raped by MrC both "I'm not me" "I'm somewhere else" ....
We watched as Diane disappeared after the shootout... and at the beginning of the episode we saw Richard disappear in the same way, as he perched on the trap.
Richard is the son of MrC who is a Tulpa (BOB / MrC for the "world" is a Tulpa, and according to the rules of the B & W Lodges is a Doppelganger)
This also leads me to think of the symbol we all call "mother/experiment"
.... It looks like Twin Peaks and a black hole in the middle, as if it were the falling apart of Twin Peaks ... Maybe the end of the dream. MrC doesn't want to go back to the Black Lodge because what he really wants is to eliminate it and The only way is "ending the dream". Obviously he would also die, but MrC is Coop (Doppelganger) and Coop behaves like a man on a mission, and with Bob inside... well, I think Bob met the person He needed to achieve his plan ...
Obviously I expect a happy ending (MrC fails) So I choose the Mother Sybol against the "Twin Peaks falling apart sybol"
But if the town of Twin Peaks disappears in the same way we saw the Convenience Store disappear ... it would make sense ...
"We are like the dreamer, who dreams and lives inside the dream ... but who is the dreamer"
I don't say that this is the real resolution, but it's something more "poetic" ... after all Lynch & Frost are the dreamers of Twin Peaks and both live inside the dream (as Gordon and the News man) and we -spectators- are the those who give those character/tulpas some autonomy and achieved that 25 years later the dream "it's happening again"
Well thought out and thought-provoking. Thanks for sharing, Martin.
The Mother's horns point upwards while the card has the protrusions pointing down. Evil Cooper is probably looking for something else there.
The Mother's horns point upwards while the card has the protrusions pointing down. Evil Cooper is probably looking for something else there.
That is the point of putting that picture ... many believe that figure is mother / experiment .... but I think it is related to Twin Peaks and some kind of black hole / black portal /Twin Peaks outside the world or something like that
Was it Tammy who first introduced the term "tulpa" to the show? All the term has done is generate all kinds of confusion. I appreciate the analysis of the original poster, but ultimately I just can't see the way through this.
Not confirmed canon, but in My Life, My Tapes, Cooper mentions Tibetan spirituality even before Diane is introduced as his secretary on the first day of his job. It's not hard to imagine Dale Cooper experimenting and bringing Diane to life as a Tulpa. Mr. C ─who seems to share Cooper's memories─ then abused and manipulated Coop's thought-form. In many ways, she seems like the total opposite of Cooper now.
The question remains when Diane became real. Was it through Cooper's mind, or Mr. C's? Can we assume Cole and Rosenfield never met her before? Was Cole testing her during the smoking session, and did Rosenfield only hear about her reputation from Coop?
I thought he said that about the Blackfoot peoples, rather than Nez Perce.
Not very relevant to a very interesting idea, but I could swear he said Blackfoot at the time.
The tulpas in this show seem to require a seed that seems to come from the Lodges. It's probably important not to import our-world information about what tulpas are and how they work into the show unless/until confirmed by the show itself.
About Hawk.... He was a full-blooded Nez Perce, although, during a discussion as to whether or not he believed in the soul, he referenced Blackfoot Indian mysticism to Cooper
He was clearly aware of the supernatural presence in woods of Twin Peaks and also discusses with Cooper his belief in a direct connection to Native American spirituality. He was also the first person to verbally express to Cooper what the Black & White Lodges were.
The tulpas in this show seem to require a seed that seems to come from the Lodges. It's probably important not to import our-world information about what tulpas are and how they work into the show unless/until confirmed by the show itself.
We know of the relationship between electricity and lodges .... and gold is the best electricity transmitter ..
We saw Dougie and Diane dropping out of their golden seeds in the waiting room
At the beginning of season 2 the Giant said "I forgot something" and gives Cooper (what it seems) a golden seed ... (Giant -BL-, Fireman -WL-)
So ... if Tulpa needs a Golden seed to be made.
maybe Cooper is also a Tulpa and the Giant forgot returning his "essence". or give him a better way to communicate with them (gold-electricity)
We saw the Fireman as he levitated/meditated that he was creating Laura's golden seed ... Laura was a Tulpa? So what about her parents?
Leland was possessed by Bob and now Sarah by "who knows what" ....
Bob wanted to posses Laura but she put on the Owl ring (from mike/the arm).
Leland was possessed by Bob, and now Bob is with Cooper Doppelganger
Leland and Laura are dead and yet live in the Black Lodge. (We don't know if both expelled golden seeds there, I don't think so)
However Ray appears dead there ... perhaps only those who were manufactured or received (like Cooper) the golden seed can "live" in the Lodge....
But I think that the golden seed/orb represents goodness. Lynch describes Bob as a bad seed or the evil seed... so....
About Hawk.... He was a full-blooded Nez Perce, although, during a discussion as to whether or not he believed in the soul, he referenced Blackfoot Indian mysticism to Cooper
He was clearly aware of the supernatural presence in woods of Twin Peaks and also discusses with Cooper his belief in a direct connection to Native American spirituality. He was also the first person to verbally express to Cooper what the Black & White Lodges were.
Ah, I knew he referenced them somewhere.
Thanks for setting me straight. 🙂
another thing that comes to my mind... Diane is a Tulpa... Janey-E is Diane Half sister... Janey-E was manufactured too?
Is some kind of Black&White/opposites situations... MrC rapes Diane, and Janey-E took good care of Coop in bed...Diane never forget "that night" and Janey-E can't stop thinking about "last night"
What happened to Diane in the "old Gas Station?
MrC rapes Diane. She mentions something about Cooper's face and makes some strange gesture ... maybe she saw Bob face too.
first I have a question on another subject, but related ....
If Bob / MrC doesnt want to return to the Black Lodge ... what is the Convenience Store + Hotel? MrC / Bob went there at least twice. (for Diane and Jeffries)
but what happened with Diane there? MrC took her to (what seems to be) the Convenience Store and then she didnt finish telling us what happened ...
Could it be "hidden" (Original Diane) in one of the rooms, like Jeffries? and so MrC could manipulate Diane's Tulpa.
Before the shootout we hear from Diane something s we heard from Audrey.... both were raped by MrC (we assumed that Audrey was raped too). Can Audrey be at the gas station+hotel... in a coma but there...?
The Mother's horns point upwards while the card has the protrusions pointing down. Evil Cooper is probably looking for something else there.
Maybe the downward-turning horns are the sign of someone trying to manipulate the Mother. If the Mother's horns are upward, the manipulator (the black magician if you will) tries to pull it back to himself. It's reminiscent of what Hawk said about the Fire being neutral depending on how one uses it.