The Arm & Philip Jeffries were replaced by a tree & a kettle because of the unavailability of the actors. It would be extremely difficult to use extensive footage of the deceased actor Frank Sylva. I wonder if BOB will evolve and make a return as something else.
I doubt Bob will return to possess anyone but he still may have a significant role to play.
The Arm & Philip Jeffries were replaced by a tree & a kettle because of the unavailability of the actors. It would be extremely difficult to use extensive footage of the deceased actor Frank Sylva. I wonder if BOB will evolve and make a return as something else.
I doubt Bob will return to possess anyone but he still may have a significant role to play.
Yeah, when Bob leaves Mr. C, following the return of Agent Cooper proper, what will happen to him, and who is the guy looking for what Mr. C has(Bob) if its not Jeffries? You prediction/possibility would not surprise me at all and make a lot of sense if Bob is somehow eliminated(and I would guess this has something to do with justice for Laura), especially since they have now introduced the woodsmen, which are something like an army of Bobs; easily it could not be one 'evil ghost' anymore, but something like a generalized sickness spread throughout the world(through radio waves, etc.), that anyone could turn to a woodsmen....