Around the dinner table, the conversation was lively. Thank you but for now, the forum has been archived.
I've been thinking that the scene with Cooper and the Fireman will be repeated as the last scene of The Return. That scene will bookend these 18 episodes and we will be eternally frustrated.
I've been thinking that every unnamed female could be Linda for what seems like an eternity.
Linda, where are you??????
Maybe since David Lynch didn't get to leave the 'Who killed Laura Palmer?' question unanswered, he decided that 'Who the Hell is Linda?' would do as a bit of a substitute...
I've been thinking that every unnamed female could be Linda for what seems like an eternity.
Linda, where are you??????
She is probably the one living off state benefits (apparently a handicap ex soldier) at the new fat trout. Which one of the unnamed females matches this description?
None that I can guess at this point.
None that I can guess at this point.
I just thought of someone.......
I think I found who Linda is:
Its the only girl that fits the description (but credited as Ruby)...
I keep thinking its weird that a girl named Candie works along two girls named Sandie and Mandie which leads me to believe the brothers named them. I know there's already been a mention of a Linda in a wheelchair , maybe a red herring. My guess is Candie is really Linda and is the daughter of evil Coop and Diane.
I keep thinking its weird that a girl named Candie works along two girls named Sandie and Mandie which leads me to believe the brothers named them. I know there's already been a mention of a Linda, maybe a red herring. My guess is Candie is really Linda and is the daughter of evil Coop and Diane.
It has also crossed my mind that Linda is Diane + Mr. C's child and that Diane is traumatized from loosing her in some way (giving her away or Coop taking her from Diane the last time they met). What makes you think it is Candie though? Isn't she a bit too old? Their daughter would be 25 max (assuming its mr.c's child and not coops)... And arent pseudonyms common for showgirls/acts of duos/trios?
And there is a character called Linda (living at the new fat trout)... Oh man, im really confused.
My head hurts from all the flip flopping i do on theories I think of and then I read someone else's and change my mind. I just like the idea of Richard and Linda being related. 2 birds 1 stone. And Candie is so full of innocence and Richard is not, a Yin and Yang situation .
Im guessing Candie can be anywhere from 20 to 25 years old
My head hurts from all the flip flopping i do on theories I think of and then I read someone else's and change my mind. I just like the idea of Richard and Linda being related. 2 birds 1 stone. And Candie is so full of innocence and Richard is not, a Yin and Yang situation .
Im guessing Candie can be anywhere from 20 to 25 years old
mine too/me too. def rich and linda are brother-sister. Linda must be an actress we havent seen so far. Perhaps Francesca Eastwood.
Maddy, brunette.
Laura, blonde.
Linda, redhead.
Makes as much sense as all these other theories. 😉
If Richard and Linda are brother and sister, I think it's more likely that they are half brother / sister.
Maybe Audrey is only the mother of Richard. If Mr C is the father of both, and we assume he did do a nasty deed, who was the second woman?
If I recall, Mr C asks Richard "who is your mother?". And Richard replies with Audrey Horne.
This could imply, if Mr C has fathered children, that he has fathered multiple.
The same question is also asked in EP14 by the girl in the roadhouse. "Who is your mother?". And she replies with "Tina".
It's an odd question to ask anyone IMO.
If Richard and Linda are brother and sister, I think it's more likely that they are half brother / sister.
Maybe Audrey is only the mother of Richard. If Mr C is the father of both, and we assume he did so a nasty deed, who was the second woman?
Diane is the general consensus. I've also read a theory in this forum, weeks ago, that Audrey had twins.