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Anyone else think it was just as good or maybe even better than 14?
THIS episode should have been called Let's Rock, there was rock all over the place.
Nah...14 was better.
This episode, while it had good moments, was very disjointed.
A decent episode but no way better than 14/others. At some time I found it corny/poorly acted, and I'm often VERY forgiving of TP.
Anyone else think it was just as good or maybe even better than 14?
I did think this was one of the best episodes of the series. Not corny at all. I was really into it emotionally and thought the atmosphere was exquisite. In addition it provided new information about the Twin Peaks mythology.
I feel like we are picking up the pace and every episode is very exciting right now!! I can't wait for the next one but I don't want it to be over!!
Of course I will feel yrev empty when this is all over.
But on the other side: it will be good to be able to carry on with the rest of my life again...
This enterprise is hijacking my life much more than is good for me...
Of course I will feel yrev empty when this is all over.
But on the other side: it will be good to be able to carry on with the rest of my life again...
This enterprise is hijacking my life much more than is good for me...
Very well said and true.
There's some fear in letting go...
A good one, for sure. Better than 14? Dunno, I'll have to watch it a few more times.
More and more things falling into place, that's for sure.
A couple of things...
I kept thinking Jeffries would start singing "I'm a little Teapot".
Notice how many (assumed) key players are now locked up? It's getting a little crowded down there.
Catherine Coulson's scene was extremely well done. A fine send off, IMO.
I was surprised to see the bell at the convenience store. I thought that was a white lodge thing. Does that mean Phillip Jeffries is still working on the good side? I'm confused. I like the teapot comparison.
The good and bad guys could well use the same technology, just as good and bad guys here.
OTOH, it's not yet established which side Jeffries works for; it's possible he's a double agent, or has the Convenience Store guys in his power somehow.
His agenda, like Diane's, is very much unresolved. He may be doing everything for his own gain and perhaps found a way to steal one of those bell things from the good guys.
Episode 14 is the best for me. This is a close second.
While I liked Part 14 better, I really like the progression of storylines we see in this one. Dougie-Cooper's scene got me particularly excited. I keep trying not to get my hopes up, but this got me pretty positive that we might see the real Cooper in the next episode.
The conclusion (as far as I see it) between Ed and Norma was one of the sweetest things I've seen this season. I'm glad they threw in some truly feelgood-y stuff in there.
The only thing I was slightly "meh" about was the scene in the bar with Freddy and James. I'm a bit torn in my opinion regarding the glove, I'm not sure I like it having obvious superpowers. I did enjoy Freddy's story in the past episode, but the introduction of the glove felt a bit too out of the blue, and I feel like it doesn't connect to anything else in the story.
OTOH, it's not yet established which side Jeffries works for; it's possible he's a double agent, or has the Convenience Store guys in his power somehow.
This would make some sense given what happened in part 8. Jeffries could've sent the Woodsman to remove Bob from Mr C (I realize that we don't know if Bob was removed). Or, to revive Mr C. Jeffries also could've been using Ray to investigate what would happen if someone killed Mr C w/Bob inside him (someone who was not og Coop).
The Woodsman didn't seem to be afraid of or intimidated by Mr C at all. Also, Jeffries (if it was he who called Mr C) said he wanted Bob back with him in part 2.
Of course the Woodsman could also work for Bob or exist to aid Bob and his ilk.
And around and around we go . . .
This is it! It was a dark and marvelous episode, the best after part 8.