Around the dinner table, the conversation was lively. Thank you but for now, the forum has been archived.
"It's a god damn bad story isn't it Hawk?"
Sarah's not asking any question; there's no context. What does she presume about Hawk?
How does Hawk just gather the coworkers to announce Log Lady's death? He didn't run over to check and run back to the station, did he? He just hung up the phone, waited briefly and called a meeting.
25 years ago when he warned Cooper about the Black Lodge he had the same look on his forehead as when he told Frank Truman about the black figure on the Indian map *you don't ever want to know about that*
And how about that slow fade into the conference room from blackness into dim light? Lynch has had Jack Nance, Laura Dern, and Kyle M all do it in various films, but this one was the slowest, most tortured one yet. The lines in his face and the white hair, positively paranormal.
Every time he speaks it sounds profound and filled with such wisdom (yes, even lines like, "who ordered just cheese?"). Perhaps, he's a Fireman in training.