Around the dinner table, the conversation was lively. Thank you but for now, the forum has been archived.
Watching the Sheriff, Bobby, Andy and Hawk move around Naido in the flashing fog looks just like the Woodsmen gathering around Mr. C. Both Good & Bad Woodsman seem to have the role of protecting those on their side
It seems that when transitioning between worlds, everyone (good or evil) has that flickering reentry. That may be a time when they're vulnerable because they aren't fully materialized in either realm.
It seemed to see that they were "catching ip with themselves" as they re-entered this world.
It seemed to see that they were "catching ip with themselves" as they re-entered this world.
That's what I got from it. It was like time was glitching or something to that effect and they were trying to get congruent with their physical beings.
Ok, that sounds really lame, but not sure how else to explain my thought on this.
I was reminded of the brilliant scene at the Zone site in South Dakota when we saw three different perspectives of the same event (Cole, Albert, and Tammy/Diane). Maybe we as viewers got a glimpse of a different dimension's perspective...possibly Andy's as he just came out of the Fireman's room.
They did look like the Woodsman when they move in and out. The Woodsman seem to be in their element and in control in that state while the Sheriff etc can't remember, probably because their human minds can't process it. I wonder if Cooper will remember anything from his 25 years if/when he's back to his old self