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The Bug Eating Girl Theory

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Posted by: SamXTherapy
Posted by: Jocelyn Rowe
Posted by: Damien Crowley

Whether that was Sarah or her doppelganger, it does seem to have that frog insect in her:





I am not quite seeing it. I read the replies on Reddit and still not clear about what the freeze frame suggests.

The spike looks like the antennae sticking out of the froggy thing.

If Sarah is host to that creature, it's still not certain she's the girl from New Mexico.  For one thing, the timeline is wrong, for another, she's of the wrong ethnic background.  Perhaps, if she has ol' froggy inside, there are several of them.  

I agree with a previous poster about Gordon Cole, too.  No way was the young lad Cole.  The lad is definitely Hispanic, Cole definitely isn't.

Thanks.  I think people see too much in too little. Stretch is too big for me. 

Posted : 15/08/2017 9:08 am
Posts: 158
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Posted by: SamXTherapy


Could be, but everything so far seems to have a direct reference to the story.

Including ALL the booth talks? 😉

And the floor cleaner?

Posted : 15/08/2017 9:33 am
Posts: 370
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Posted by: Damien Crowley

Whether that was Sarah or her doppelganger, it does seem to have that frog insect in her:





From my perspective I thought they were shots of electricity in real time and freezing in this shot has made them look solid.

Posted : 17/08/2017 2:54 pm
Posts: 571
Honorable Member

I said this somewhere else, but I don't understand how there wasn't blood on Sarah.  That was a pretty vicious attack to the neck.  She seemed so close.  How could she be blood free?

Posted : 17/08/2017 8:51 pm
Posts: 1033
Noble Member
Posted by: buttercup

I said this somewhere else, but I don't understand how there wasn't blood on Sarah.  That was a pretty vicious attack to the neck.  She seemed so close.  How could she be blood free?

'Cause Lodge magic. 

Posted : 17/08/2017 9:26 pm
Posts: 338
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Ok, so I might have something real to add for once.

I was gonna write - My first impression was that between the sounds and the quick flashes I thought the two bolts were electricity.  Then I was going to wildly speculate that it sounded like the Arm, or maybe the doppelganger of the Arm.  But that's just spit balling, right?

I thought I should at least go back to the original series and put a little time looking into whether Sarah had ever seen the Arm, or Man from Another Place at that time.  Or had she only seen Bob?  I remembered a white horse too right before Maddy was killed (spoiler?).

Ok,  but here's the real deal:  Season2 E:22 about 30 minutes in, Sarah sits down with Major Briggs at The Double R Diner and says some weird ass shit in a voice that isn't her own.  "I'm in the Black Lodge with Dale Cooper".  Seconds later we see hear the Man from Another Place continuing the dialogue. 

Sarah has the Arm inside her.  I'm declaring it.  Go look (screen shot wouldn't serve). 


Posted : 18/08/2017 3:44 am
Posts: 57
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Posted by: Damien Crowley

Whether that was Sarah or her doppelganger, it does seem to have that frog insect in her:





I think Sarah's inner face looks a bit like the Experiment here (a gaping hole) and the stick thing reminds me of the "nose" of the Frogmoth-creature. (As other has stated before). 

In "Catching the Big Fish" there's a quote from the Upanishads: "Know that all of Nature is but a magic theater, that the great Mother is the master magician, and that this whole wolrd is peopled by her many parts"

That made me think of the "eggs" that the Experiment spews out: They are parts of her, and in a sense every egg "is" her since they're parts from her. And she spreads them around the world. One of them lands in New Mexico. Perhaps there have been more in other places of the world (we saw many eggs)? Maybe the Girl in New Mexico is Sarah, maybe she's not (I'm not convinced she is). Even if she isn't, it's still possible that "something happened to her" in the same way that it happened to "Girl 1956" ("were you here when they first came?). And that the "Mother" now lives in her, as she might do in many others who might have been invaded by frogbugs. 

Posted : 18/08/2017 4:25 am
Posts: 10
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Posted by: Audrey Horne

Is confirmed. It's Sarah Palmer all along. WOW!!

Sarah palmer ate the bug as a child and immediately, the Giant/Fireman sent Laura in Sarah's womb.The coexistence of the Mother and Laura inside Sarah creates the doppleganger of Laura and the failure of Laura as a saviour.

That's the wole story of Twin Peaks : there is an danger. The evil (The Mother) is invading the good by creating evil side of poeple (the dopplegangers) with the help of the woodmen. Laura failed to repel the Mother and Twin Peaks in becoming the laboratory where The Mother creates dopplegangers (look how the call center of the Sherif station is going to be overwhelmed with strange things (zombies/dopplergangers in the city)

Bad Coop is a doppleganger that "needs nothing" but wants is own existences by killing the good Coop and dethrone the Mother (purpose of the glass box).

Posted : 20/08/2017 11:11 am
Posts: 158
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Maybe Mr. C is the good guy if he wants to rid the world of Mother, ahah. But he doesn't realize the world needs Mother like it needs its Father.

(Hey, what if Mother is Lilith? For Evangelion fans :-P)

Posted : 20/08/2017 11:47 am
Posts: 968
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The film makers purposefully cast two Hispanic actors for those roles. It cannot be Sarah Palmer. Unless Sarah Palmer's character is a shapeshifter which I doubt 🙂

Posted : 20/08/2017 11:52 am
Posts: 158
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Maybe they're just there to represent the idea that the same thing happened everywhere.

@Joseph, iirc the voice was Windom Earle's, not the Arm's.

Posted : 20/08/2017 11:56 am
Myn0k reacted
Posts: 356
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Posted by: Myn0k

The film makers purposefully cast two Hispanic actors for those roles. It cannot be Sarah Palmer. Unless Sarah Palmer's character is a shapeshifter which I doubt 🙂

The actress, Tikaeni Faircrest, isn't necessarily Hispanic. 

Posted : 20/08/2017 11:58 am
Posts: 124
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Posted by: meaxylon

That made me think of the "eggs" that the Experiment spews out: They are parts of her, and in a sense every egg "is" her since they're parts from her. And she spreads them around the world. One of them lands in New Mexico. Perhaps there have been more in other places of the world (we saw many eggs)?


Maybe this explains why one of the girls sitting in the booth at the roadhouse is called Experiment in the credits.  There is at least one Experiment being in Twin Peaks.

Posted : 20/08/2017 12:13 pm
Posts: 34
Eminent Member

Or if not Latino, different than what I would expect blond, blue-eyed Sarah to look. Plus I think the kids were a little older than 11.

I'm on team It-Wasn't-Sarah. 

Posted : 20/08/2017 12:18 pm
Posts: 968
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Posted by: JeffreyGWillett
Posted by: Myn0k

The film makers purposefully cast two Hispanic actors for those roles. It cannot be Sarah Palmer. Unless Sarah Palmer's character is a shapeshifter which I doubt 🙂

The actress, Tikaeni Faircrest, isn't necessarily Hispanic. 

True. But even the age seems out to me. 

Rene-Gilles: very good point. 

Posted : 20/08/2017 12:31 pm
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