Around the dinner table, the conversation was lively. Thank you but for now, the forum has been archived.
With Naido's shocking arrival in Twin Peaks, the question of her actions in the Mauve Room naturally arise. I was thinking that by pulling the switch she may have saved Cooper. If he had entered through the car socket, he would have replaced the dopple but may have taken on the consciousness of the evil Mr. C has committed. Maybe by delaying Cooper's consciousness he wouldn't have to encounter the trauma of a guilty conscience!
I just thought I had to share this, whether helpful or not. Any thoughts?
The Arm's doppelganger sent Coop to the limbo room to prevent him getting back to our world. Before she went up and threw the switch, Naido warned him away from getting close to the portal which was set for somewhere/some-when else dangerous. I think it just had to do with the best means of escape for him.
You ask a great question. A related question is "Why Cooper was there in the first place?" That may help us guess Naido's intent.
Cooper falls through the void until he lands on either: a) the side of a "ship" that Naido is riding in, or b) on the balcony of a building in an ocean that Naido resides in. Should we assume the Arm knew that he would land on this ship/building? Or did Cooper simply happen to land on a ship flying through the void?
Should we assume that if he had just kept falling, he would have ended up like Naido who fell into that same void - he would have exited the void naked near a portal? [Side note: Interesting to point out that Ruth Davenport's corpse was naked as well.]
My assumption is that Naido WAS NOT expecting him, but senses he is good and tries to help him by discouraging him from entering the #15 outlet. I have no idea what she thought would happen by pulling the switch, but in doing so, her intent was not necessarily that Cooper should enter the #3 outlet.
Pulling the switch did convert the room to a "DC-mode" - perhaps that would have helped Naido better communicate with Cooper instead of the "AC-mode" the room was originally in? [I love the discussion of AC/DC currents in other threads.] Perhaps pulling the switch would have allowed them both to safely jump into the void? Perhaps she knew about Coop, Mr. C., etc. and did want him to enter #3 socket?
As Gordon said, "Now this is really something interesting to think about!"
So does it suggest that Dougie was not manufactured by someone bad? That has been one of the most intriguing mysteries for me.
I think the way this went down is that she was setting Dale up to go through the car receptacle, which is DC. The space they were in was operating like AC. So she flipped the switch to make it safe for him, not knowing that Mr. C had found a way to route Dale elsewhere.
I don't think Dale would have taken on any of Mr. C's attributes. They're separate beings and not a possession-type situation.
Wow! I didn't notice the AC/DC aspect of the scene. Now it makes more sense. Genius!
"Should we assume that if he had just kept falling, he would have ended up like Naido who fell into that same void - he would have existed naked near a portal?"
You'd go "Faster and faster. And for a long time you wouldn't feel anything. And then you'd burst into fire, forever... And the angels wouldn't help you, because they've all gone away. "
Perhaps "the fireman" saw what happened & rescued Naido, sending her into our world at the portal Briggs had left info. about to help Hawk, Truman, Bobby, & Andy.
So does it suggest that Dougie was not manufactured by someone bad? That has been one of the most intriguing mysteries for me.
Possibly Mike, he told Dougie before he was destroyed that he was created for a purpose.
You'd go "Faster and faster. And for a long time you wouldn't feel anything. And then you'd burst into fire, forever... And the angels wouldn't help you, because they've all gone away. "
Perhaps "the fireman" saw what happened & rescued Naido, sending her into our world at the portal Briggs had left info. about to help Hawk, Truman, Bobby, & Andy.
I don't think Dale would have taken on any of Mr. C's attributes. They're separate beings and not a possession-type situation.
Agree. They are separate beings that would've traded physical locations.
Wow! I didn't notice the AC/DC aspect of the scene. Now it makes more sense. Genius!
Indeed. I agree with the theory as well.
Here's a thread under parts 3 and 4 in this forum:
So did Briggs know that Naido or someone else would be there?
Also, back to the consciousness question, will Real Cooper retain the memory of Evil Cooper's deeds when he regains his mind, or will he be able to suppress it?
So did Briggs know that Naido or someone else would be there?
Also, back to the consciousness question, will Real Cooper retain the memory of Evil Cooper's deeds when he regains his mind, or will he be able to suppress it?
It's possible Briggs knew Naido was going to be there. It's also possible that the Fireman sent her there.
I think of Mr C's escape from the BL and Coop's being trapped there as reversals of the self/shadow self. So, I think while Coop was trapped, he was already acquiring Mr C's memories so to speak. However, I think it gets a little hairy now that each is creating separate memories in the "earthly realm." Mr C has needed (or wanted!) to be informed on the failed assasination attempts on Coop, so it doesn't appear that he is acquiring or retaining Coop's memories currently. That could be because Coop isn't actively making any in his current state of mind or because what they once shared has now become separated. However, it's also possible that Mr C did know that the assasination attempts had failed prior to Mr Todd informing him.
Perhaps, like you imply in your OP, Coop's brain needed to be scrambled before he returned to earth, so he won't retain the memories of what Mr C has done over the 25 years when he finally "awakes."
Cooper first arrived on earth through the glass box in New York City. We now know the box had something to do with Mr.C. It now looks to me that that box could have been a trap of some sort, luring Cooper out of the normal path to our world.
Is Naido a victim of the atomic bomb blasts in Japan. She looked into the fireball causing her eyes to melt?