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I'll admit to being a little panicked at the moment, considering we have four episodes left, and a lot of dangling threads. In a normal show (and, boy, am I happy that Twin Peaks isn't normal!), four episodes would be plenty of time to wrap things up. But with Twin Peaks, it can be a bit of a slower pace, so I'm concerned we'll be left without answers.
This got me to thinking about whether or not we've already had answers to stuff, but either don't know it yet, or aren't sure about it. The recent thread here regarding the New York happenings also got me thinking about this, including the questioning by many (myself included) about are we ever going to know who the billionaire is? Or why all that stuff was there (glass box, equipment, etc.), or where the security guard went to that fateful night?
It occurred to me while pondering this that Mark Frost and David Lynch operate in very different ways. They work well together, but they're very different. For example -- and, admittedly, this is all supposition -- I believe that when we have exposition/information dumps, like when Hawk went over things with Sheriff Truman (the missing diary pages, the map, etc.), or when Albert talks with Tammy about Blue Rose, it's Frost pushing the plot forward and filling-in the blanks/connecting the dots for the audience.
After years of watching Lynch's movies, shorts, etc., I don't think that's how Lynch operates.
For example (again, supposition), when Tammy showed Albert and Cole the photo of Mr. C and the guy standing by the glass box, I think that was our answer to who the billionaire was. I come to that conclusion partly because of that picture, and of the other picture of Bad Coop the FBI were looking at on the plane, showing him walking in front of a majestic abode. That, to me, is Lynch's contribution to answering things for us. Unlike Frost (and most other writers), Lynch doesn't connect the dots. He leaves that up to us. He knows there's a mystery about who the wealthy person is that is running the warehouse in NYC, so he shows us a photo of Bad Coop looking wealthy, and then later on another photo of Bad Coop at the warehouse. Boom, that's our answer. Lynch leaves it to us to connect the dots.
As for why Bad Coop had the whole set-up... eh... that's more difficult. I feel like we could suddenly go back to NYC at any moment, and there will be more to it. But, if there isn't, then I think we're supposed to infer from the scenes of the Experiment and Good Coop coming through that Bad Coop knew they were going to enter this world at some point, and set-up the glass box as a way of recording those moments, and being alerted to them.
Of course, this all guesswork on my part. Could be totally wrong. Basically, I'm trying to prepare myself to the fact that we likely won't have a lot of direct answers to things.
Yes... what about that fourth missing diary page, for instance?
That's quite near the top of my list (my mental list, I would like to clarify, lest anyone think I'm utterly nuts).
I think we've gotten all the answer we'll receive about who built the glass box. I think it is Mr. C, somehow helped along by Charlie (Audrey's husband/therapist) as he was also in that photo, right?
Mr. C was either trying to trap Dale Cooper in that box, trap "The Experiment" to get whatever it is he's after, or (my pet theory) trap Dale Cooper at the moment The Experiment would be there so that Experiment would rip up Dale Cooper rather than Sam and Tracy. (I've share in a number of threads my idea that American Girl and Naido were somehow responsible for keeping Dale Cooper out of the box at that exact moment; instead he was in the mauve room when we heard the Experiment's banging before it ripped up Sam and Tracy.)
We won't get clear answers to tons of questions, and I think it's better off that way. I've been thinking about how we're 14 episodes in and we're still getting introduced to new characters. And I realized: This is just like the first season! This is how the excitement and momentum of the first season kept up so well. Every episode presented a new mystery. Here we are. We'll get some kind of resolution, but we'll be left wondering about a lot.
I imagine Frost and Lynch's writing sessions being where Lynch throws ideas in the air and Frost tries to catch them and slot them in somewhere.
I've been thinking of them like a Lennon/McCartney duo, if I may continue all the Beatles talk that's going on this forum. They definitely operate differently.