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I reserve 8 as a work in its own right, something that underpins the whole Twin Peaks continuity.
As a straight Twin Peaks episode, this was the best ever. IMO, of course. Funny, weird, exciting and surprising in equal measure. Naturally, I was happy to see Mr Jones, even if only in flashback.
One thing I took from this episode is that everything you see is the literal truth of what is happening. No comas, dream worlds or alternate timelines. All of it is what it is. He said, tautologically.
Agreed, it's the best part yet, and it's the ideal accumulation of what we've been shown over the past 13 hours. This part was absolutely full of "wow!" moments that would have either fallen flat or lost an enormous amount of impact had we seen this hour in a vacuum/as an "episode."
Naido's return in particular was something I never expected and yet was so damn satisfying. I assumed she'd just died in part 3, like most of the rest of the supporting cast in the first act (Sam, Tracey...we hardly knew ye), and I was very happy to have been proven wrong.
I agree that this episode was masterful. So many threads woven together in surprising ways. The dreams, the portal, Andy and the Fireman, Naido, Sarah Palmer, Freddie, Janey E/Diane as half sisters - and the real Phillip Jeffries (sigh). Way beyond my expectations. If the rest of the series is like this, I will be elated!
Good episode, but not fully bloomed for me. It had much more potential than the outcome. I generally felt a lack of epic element, especially in the jack rabbit walk and white lodge scene
Good episode, but not fully bloomed for me. It had much more potential than the outcome. I generally felt a lack of epic element, especially in the jack rabbit walk and white lodge scene
Wow, for me it was not so much of a bloom as an explosion. Andy knows everything! Sarah eats neck! The FBI knows where Dougie is! Janie-ecis Diane's sister! Green Glove! Tina's daughter!
To me, this was an hour of epic. I barely breathed.
Good episode, but not fully bloomed for me. It had much more potential than the outcome. I generally felt a lack of epic element, especially in the jack rabbit walk and white lodge scene
Wow, for me it was not so much of a bloom as an explosion. Andy knows everything! Sarah eats neck! The FBI knows where Dougie is! Janie-ecis Diane's sister! Green Glove! Tina's daughter!
To me, this was an hour of epic. I barely breathed.
Yeah, that's what i intended with "potential". It's such a full episode in terms of the plot, but the atmosphere wasn't that full for me. Maybe that's why, too many things happening. I just felt a very little slice of that epic tension this show can bring (and brought on and on with that eight part masterpiece)
Disagree with the headline of this post. Agree with the op.
8 is a work of art that could have been released in or out of TP on its own and fascinate fully.
What I find amazing is some of the plots seemed silly and yet the work. How Lynch pulls that off I don't know.
More than once I felt like comparing this to Part 8. Just something about. Part 8 is, of course, untouchable in its own right, but I guess -- if it can be put into words -- Part 14 evoked just as much of a WTF?! vibe from me as Part 8 did.
Yes, it was, on the surface, a more standard appearing episode, but its various plot points provided just as much head-scratching and 'how does this all fit together?' type of reaction as Part 8 did. For me, of course.
Good observation, SamX.
Disagree with the headline of this post. Agree with the op.
8 is a work of art that could have been released in or out of TP on its own and fascinate fully.
What I find amazing is some of the plots seemed silly and yet the work. How Lynch pulls that off I don't know.
Clickbait. Guilty as charged. 😉
I did not care for the Diane is Janey-E's half-sister as a device for moving the FBI story to Las Vegas. I feel I could of come up with a dozen better ways to link the FBI to Dougi-Coop and that's is not saying much.
I only hope this is some type of trick on Diane's part and for some reason is leading the FBI to Vegas, think about the text Diane got: "Have the asked you about Vegas?"
I did not care for the Diane is Janey-E's half-sister as a device for moving the FBI story to Las Vegas. I feel I could of come up with a dozen better ways to link the FBI to Dougi-Coop and that's is not saying much.
Yet, you have known ever since Diane was shown that her last name is Evans, and no one ever thought that Janey-E was actually Janey E. It's easy to be a Monday Morning director once you've already watched the highlight reel.
I did not care for the Diane is Janey-E's half-sister as a device for moving the FBI story to Las Vegas. I feel I could of come up with a dozen better ways to link the FBI to Dougi-Coop and that's is not saying much.
Yet, you have known ever since Diane was shown that her last name is Evans, and no one ever thought that Janey-E was actually Janey E. It's easy to be a Monday Morning director once you've already watched the highlight reel.
I wonder if the E is for Evans (Good Point), kinda like an Italian thing like Bobby Z or something.
However, isn't her last name Jones? I guess thats why she keeps the E...
I did not care for the Diane is Janey-E's half-sister as a device for moving the FBI story to Las Vegas. I feel I could of come up with a dozen better ways to link the FBI to Dougi-Coop and that's is not saying much.
Yet, you have known ever since Diane was shown that her last name is Evans, and no one ever thought that Janey-E was actually Janey E. It's easy to be a Monday Morning director once you've already watched the highlight reel.
I wonder if the E is for Evans (Good Point), kinda like an Italian thing like Bobby Z or something.
However, isn't her last name Jones? I guess thats why she keeps the E...
Yeah, that's a good point, re: the "E" and "Jones" thing.
You certainly didn't deserve the "Monday Morning Director" comment for that. It's very valid if we didn't think that Diane and Janey-E were sisters.
Is there a legal requirement in the US for a wife to take the husband's name? I know some people go for the double barrel name but couldn't she, if she preferred, keep Evans?
I ask because it's possible she wanted to keep her birth names, or it's just a nickname she had from being a kid. The latter seems to be the most likely, given Diane's statement.