Around the dinner table, the conversation was lively. Thank you but for now, the forum has been archived.
Blame Gordon.
Yeah, Lynch and MacLachlan went to Paris like a day or two after principal photography shot; it was speculated at the time that they were shooting an additional scene, and it seems this was it.
Whether or not we'll return to it later is anyone's guess.
So it seems if you have cafe with Monica Belucci, you can watch yourself in the past. Good for French people to know. 🙂
Apparently in the Twin Peaks universe she's pretty much in the same league with the Giant/Fireman.
'Crêperie Plougastel. They've got a cherry crêpe there that'll kill ya.'
I was a bit jealous of everyone seemingly living in WA and getting to be see the actual shooting locations, but I'm just a 15-minute drive from where crêpes go when they die, and where apparently Kyle's possible chest was allegedly briefly located. So I win. Well, unless you don't like crêpes that is. But why wouldn't you.
PS: haven't actually been in that area in years. Paris is way overrated if you're not an artiste.
I have an odd recall, that someone mentioned on these forums that the White Lodge/Lighthouse scenes were filmed on some studio in Paris. Don't remember in which of those Cooper appeared.
Hello from a new poster - long-time fan. Long-time lurker.
Not sure whether this has been posted elsewhere, but google streetview provides a new insight into the location - especially two doors down (i.e. behind Gordon Cole).
@48.842321,2.3257543,3a,45y,58.91h,82.58t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1suyH8qbVuQx5oLe4V-gYMjw!2e0!7i13312!8i6656" target="true">Plume of Desire
I have an odd recall, that someone mentioned on these forums that the White Lodge/Lighthouse scenes were filmed on some studio in Paris. Don't remember in which of those Cooper appeared.
AFAIK, the 'theater' scene for the (supposedly) White Lodge was shot in the Tower Theater in L.A., so not in Paris.
Maybe you're mixing up two elements: the fact that the same theater was used to film the Club Silencio scene in Mulholland Drive, and the fact this unrelated Lynch creation in Paris:
Hello from a new poster - long-time fan. Long-time lurker.
Not sure whether this has been posted elsewhere, but google streetview provides a new insight into the location - especially two doors down (i.e. behind Gordon Cole).
@48.842321,2.3257543,3a,45y,58.91h,82.58t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1suyH8qbVuQx5oLe4V-gYMjw!2e0!7i13312!8i6656" target="true">Plume of Desire
Picture of the Crêperie was posted earlier but I didn't bother to check on Streetview. Funny! Maybe he just went there to open his exhibition, met Bellucci there, and decided to take a camera and shoot a quick scene for the show, ah ah. That'd be funny. Sometimes you gotta live in the moment!
The choice of this Crêperie for filming the Paris scene is a little strange.
There are hundreds cafes, restaurants and brasseries much more "parisians" than this one.
"La Crêperie Plougastel" is just two minutes walk from Cimetière Montparnasse, one of the two biggest and famous graveyards in Paris.
With this very special grave, a couple on a bed under an angel.
Dreamers forever.
I suppose the location was chosen because it was right next to an art gallery where Lynch opened an exhibition last year (see above), not because of the cemetary (which by the way has legendary Serge Gainsbourg's grave in it... Pretty good caliber.)
April 19th 2016, shooting in Paris.
(behind Lynch, we can see the blue storefront of "Crêperie de St Malo", one of the 4 crêperies in the same street, Rue de Montparnasse :
Why David Lynch choosed "Crêperie Plougastel" for this Twin Peaks scene ?
Because he enjoys crêpes and was in this same crêperie in april 2009 :
He was sitten at the same table seen in the scene with Monica Bellucci.
So, Kyle MacLachlan was in Paris for the scene.
This is the Twitter message posted in 2016, by Kyle's wife, on the night after the filming :