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Anyone else notice that the reflection is not lined up to Sarah's movements? It is really close but not exact. Clearest example is when she leaves the room and returns, starts pouring a drink... the refelection head bends totally out of the mirror after her head has stopped moving.
Watch it all closely and the whole time it is off just the slightest amount.
The camera is seeing the mirror at an angle.
It's not that. There are 2-3 times it is very clearly a different movement and not in time with her actual motion.
Same as Big Ed at the end:
Same as Big Ed at the end:
EXCELLENT observation Marty! Wow!
I was so busy watching for BOB or something horrible to happen in the Palmer living room that I never noticed the synchonicity of Sarah and her own reflection. I just looked at the scene again and you are TOTALLY right, her movements are off. And Ed's is also, confirmed.
We all remember the other 2 important mirror scenes in the Palmer Living Room! Something is happening in that Palmer house.
I had to watch several times to make sure I was not crazy. It just didn't feel right to me but it's so close to matching.
I dunno, I looked at it a couple times and I don't see it. I was expecting something when I first saw that scene. I figured there wasn't enough motion, so I was hoping for some type of reveal. Maybe because there are 3 mirrors when she moves past them, you see the slightly different reflection sizes?
What I did notice, however, was the last time she goes into the kitchen, the mirror on our left reflects a shadow passing. It's in time with her movement, but it seemed to me like that shadow should not show up there. I think that's just because the mirror appears to reflect an odd angle.
After expecting to see stuff, apophenia sets in and I see things where there probably is nothing at all.
Also, random bunnies by the TV, little bit of an Inland Empire vibe. It's not about the bunnies.
Big Ed, though, that I see now.
And here's another one. Look at Audrey's scene. Pay attention to how much she is fidgeting with her hand on the chair arm (and her shaking, but that's maybe more subtle in an out of focus reflection). Then look at the reflection and see how much more still she appears in it. Perhaps that really happens because she was acting more intense when the camera is on her instead of on Charlie. But I thought, hmm, what if it was intentional?
Your first impression was right! Thank you for pointing that out Marty, otherwise I never would noticed it, but Sarah's reflection is off, and that has to be intentional editing.
On the wall behind Sarah are three panes of highly reflective glass or mirrors. The left "mirror" does not seem to be Sarah's reflection at all - my guess is that is a clear window with another actor behind the wall (similar to how Bob's reflection is done). The middle and right panes seem to show her actual reflection.
The actor in the left mirror (behind the glass) seems to have lighter/whiter hair than Sarah.
(I put off joining this forum all this time, for lack of free time, but this post really got me).
Yes, this concept is insane. And the OP has an eagle eye.
Lynch dropped a shiny object (the looping boxing sequence) in the scene to get everyone distracted. Misdirection. Second thing, real alcoholics aren't as agitated as Sarah was in that scene, up and down and up and down. She had all her bottles, mixers, booze, cigarettes right in front of her. Much more likely she'd stay in place for hours on end. Lynch needed her to move about to provide reflections.
The left-most mirror noted by JeffreyGWillett and others displays a non-reflection and possibly a different actor. All the coloring in that mirror is different; the "room" reflected in that mirror has absolutely different lighting than the lighting in the other two mirrors. That's impossible if it were just another mirror. Did you ever drive or walk by a house after dark when someone inside was watching TV, particularly a large screen like Sarah's? You'll see all the windows on that house will have the same flickering whitish flash of the windows does not segregate from the others--uh, colorwise. These mirrors are like that.
Lynch went to huge trouble to create this. Why? Now, I'm out of ideas. Just because? That's one explanation. Flexing his itchy auteur muscle for relief? Equally likely. Or, easter egg?? One can hope. However, just coincidental, accidental, you're seeing something that's not there? No.
On the wall behind Sarah are three panes of highly reflective glass or mirrors. The left "mirror" does not seem to be Sarah's reflection at all - my guess is that is a clear window with another actor behind the wall (similar to how Bob's reflection is done). The middle and right panes seem to show her actual reflection.
The actor in the left mirror (behind the glass) seems to have lighter/whiter hair than Sarah.
I noticed that too!
I neglected the most charming part of the scene, well, to me. The boxing loop announcer repeats his fragment, over and over. While I stared at the scene several times to examine the mirror construct, I lowered the volume to help with concentration. After some time, that soft repeating announcer's voice loop began to work like a song. It had meter, there were tones; with the lights so low, a real house music vibe began to form.
I just think the scene is jammed with details, and not a "filler" at all.
The shifting reflection of Sarah and Ed, and Audrey not feeling like herself, feeling like a different person 'lost in the deep woods', are reminiscent of what Wally Brando said: 'my shadow is always with me, except on cloudy days, or at night'; world/nature/green/law of things/outside changing, changing the person/shadow-reflection of person in the world changes and changes them, have to re-realize the approach/dream(Audrey and her dream of 'the girl down the lane'), or stuck on a direct repetitive loop, etc.
Also notice the orange light filling the outside seen through the window, the color of the new jerky which sent Sarah into 'warning mode' at the supermarket. This is what is keeping her in the house, her booze is Audrey's Roadhouse/Billy.
hmmmm - it's an interesting conversation, but this morning I watched the scene on a loop until I was cross-eyed, and didn't find the mirror reflections anomalous.
hmmmm - it's an interesting conversation, but this morning I watched the scene on a loop until I was cross-eyed, and didn't find the mirror reflections anomalous.
I can describe one anomaly I believe I saw. At the beginning of the scene, Sarah leans forward and the back of her head is reflected in the left mirror. She then lifts her head back as she drains a glass. I thought the reflection of the head tilt was the tiniest bit delayed. She then tilts her head down and then leans forward to return the glass to the table. The reflection did not seem to move at all when she leaned forward to put the glass on the table.
I thought there were other slight differences in Sarah's reflection throughout this sequence. To me, the reflected image also seemed to have different lighting than one would expect with a true reflection.