Around the dinner table, the conversation was lively. Thank you but for now, the forum has been archived.
I mean the Heineken Blue Velvet bit
Frankly, no. Americans were not known for their artistic prowess until a bunch of Europeans (mostly French) arrived on her borders in droves due to the inevitability of WWI and later WWII. America (mainly NYC) then displaced Paris as the center of artistic relevance. Lynch has struggled with pure artistic vision vs catering to the masses ever since the release of Dune. Product placement in a Lynch work? Wait, what?
"Heineken? Fuck that shit! Pabst Blue Ribbon!" is simply the expression of a black market capitalist telling a pretty boy middle class dude that his hoity-toity preferences are an anathema to the world he has entered.
True about New York, but all thinking people still take their cue from the French. Or still have to wade through and address whatever new tangled web of ideas French minds have devised.
My log says that one day it would just happen. You'd have your daily coffee, and then...Poof! "File's done."