Around the dinner table, the conversation was lively. Thank you but for now, the forum has been archived.
I feel like the reflections have been really weird. They look like they've been put there digitally throughout the episodes but I haven't seen any obvious discrepancies. I know Richard's reflection on Miriam's door was too "reflecty." Now this one. Audrey might have had one in this episode too? Can't remember now but someone had an unsettling reflection that I was keeping my eye on. Didn't notice anything at the time.
Great observation gotalight!
It is going to be so much fun rewatching Twin Peaks over and over again to find all of these subliminal moments that Lynch and Frost have hidden. There seem to be colored lights flashing on characters now and then, sometimes obvious (like the green lights on Tom Sizemore), and sometimes less obvious (like some blue lights).
Has anyone solved the Airplane Window Code yet? Or the Lynch/Frost Logo code yet? Or Lynch's deer drawing lol?
I don't think there's anything to the airplane windows or the F/L logo.
I think that F/L are just telling a story. We'll get answers to some things, and sing to others.
And not everything means something, or is a code.
I had doubts about the airplane windows at first Matthew, but when the Lynch Frost logo did the EXACT same thing as the airplane windows, it solidified it for me. That CANT be a coincidence.
Remember 2 quotes Matthew:
"When two separate events occur simultaneously pertaining to the same object of inquiry, we must always pay strict attention." - Special Agent Dale Cooper
"Gordon loves his code." - Chet Desmond
And those RR logos at the beginning of each episode are also of a different color. Something is happening.....
I'm glad someone mentoned the Rancho Rosa logos (not to be confused with R&R). So far every part has been a different combination of colors. I just noticed it watching this episode. The only one that seems to make sense is that ep 8 was basically black and white, like much of that episode.
Well it was green for this episode and when I saw it, before the episode started, the ring immediately came to my mind.
Can someone please break it down for me re: the reflections in Big Ed's scene?
I'm probably dense, but have watched that clip (in this thread) four times, and don't even see a reflection -- of anything. I just see Big Ed, with two cups.
Where is the reflection?
I feel like the reflections have been really weird... I know Richard's reflection on Miriam's door was too "reflecty."
Hi Christen,
I agree. There was something creepy and out-of-place about Richard's reflection in Miriam's door. The positioning of Richard's head in relation to Miriam's body was eerily similar to the Bob-Bubble the Woodsmen took out of (and put back in to? ) Mr. C's chest after he, too, was almost killed. =:-O
And I am almost 100% sure this image was included by Lunch for a reason. 😉
- /< /\ /> -
Can someone please break it down for me re: the reflections in Big Ed's scene?
I'm probably dense, but have watched that clip (in this thread) four times, and don't even see a reflection -- of anything. I just see Big Ed, with two cups.
Where is the reflection?
The reflection is above the white trashcan. Stare at the space above the trashcan and you can see it.
The reflection is indeed moving when he's not. Also it skips a few frames. At least it's happened the 10 times I've played it on Netflix.
I've marked the reflection on this screenshot.
The airplane windows are demonstrably INTENTIONAL- this does not necessarily mean they are MEANINGful...
Audrey might have had one in this episode too? Can't remember now but someone had an unsettling reflection that I was keeping my eye on. Didn't notice anything at the time.
Audrey's reflection was odd very pale and I tried to note it on the second watch.
There was also the coffee cup reflection in the Mitchum's house the previous episode that people thought was someone in the bushes. I will agree the reflections have been odd. But that last scene going through the credits had a meaning a contemplation if not a translatable meaning.
Can someone please break it down for me re: the reflections in Big Ed's scene?
I'm probably dense, but have watched that clip (in this thread) four times, and don't even see a reflection -- of anything. I just see Big Ed, with two cups.
Where is the reflection?
The reflection is above the white trashcan. Stare at the space above the trashcan and you can see it.
Ah, ok. I see it now. Thank you!
Rational explanation: the reflection comes from CCTV display which lags few seconds and has low FPS.
Rational explanation: the reflection comes from CCTV display which lags few seconds and has low FPS.
? How could that be squarely right in front of him where his own reflection should be?
It looks like he's holding the cup up when he's not, then it drops suddenly. My thought was the reflection was edited to get rid of a visible camera but it seems intentionally odd.
It looks like Ed himself is seeing it too.
Well spotted!
Yes, it does look like the bit previously when Ed was eating out of the cup. No idea what it means...
Big Ed’s reflection
Big Ed’s reflection is nothing more than the reflection of a man’s missed life, stuck in Twin peaks, owning a lousy run down gas station, used to be married with a half crazy woman (Nadine) that he did not love. He could not get the woman he loved. He went away to Iowa to sell John Deere. It probably did not work because he is back in Twin Peaks and now there seems to be another man cutting his grass. May be there is other meaning into Big Ed’s reflection but maybe not. Maybe we will find out later? May be not!
Maybe not!