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Audrey's Psychosis

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The Audrey scene infuriated me last week; tonight it broke my heart.  Shades of Iain Banks' The Bridge?

Posted : 07/08/2017 6:25 pm
SamXTherapy reacted
Posts: 2608
Posted by: citizenkeith

Here's my transcript of the scene. I'm sure it's not perfect, but here you go:

A: What did she say?

C: Audrey, we been over this

A: Tell me!

C: Audrey, stop it

A: I feel like I’m somewhere else. Have you ever had that feeling, Charlie?

C: No.

A: Like I’m somewhere else and like I’m somebody else. Have you ever felt that?

C: No. I always feel like myself. And it may not always be the best feeling. 

A: Well I’m not sure who I am but I’m not me.

C: This is Existentialism 1-0-1.

A: Oh, fuck you! I’m serious! Who am i supposed to trust but myself? And I don’t even know who I am. So what the fuck am I supposed to do?

C: You’re supposed to go to the Roadhouse and see if Billy is there.

A: I guess. Is it far?

C: C’mon Audrey, you know where it is. If I didn’t know better, I’d swear you were on drugs.

A: Just where is it???

C: I’m going to take you there. Now, are you going to stop playing games or do I have to enter Story 2?

A: What story is that, Charlie? (pause) Is that the story of the little girl who lived on the lake? (pause) Is it?

(Audrey sits down)

C: You’re the one that wanted to go. Now you’re looking like you wanna stay.

A: I wanna stay and I wanna go. I wanna do both. Which will it be, Charlie? Hmm? Which one would you be? Charlie, help me. Is it Ghostwood here?

I see 3 things in question here.  Did you by any chance have the closed caps on?

I pretty clearly heard her say "little girl who lived down the lane."

The Ghostwood comment I'm not sure about.

I thought I was sure about the end the story comment, but I suppose it could be endure or enter.  Think I'll watch with the closed caps on tonight.

Somebody else mentioned it earlier, but I too am getting a strong "Shutter Island" vibe as well. I know that storyline has been done elsewhere, but I cannot thing of where.

Posted : 07/08/2017 7:24 pm
Posts: 2250
Noble Member
Posted by: Brandy Fisher
Posted by: citizenkeith

Here's my transcript of the scene. I'm sure it's not perfect, but here you go:

A: What did she say?

C: Audrey, we been over this

A: Tell me!

C: Audrey, stop it

A: I feel like I’m somewhere else. Have you ever had that feeling, Charlie?

C: No.

A: Like I’m somewhere else and like I’m somebody else. Have you ever felt that?

C: No. I always feel like myself. And it may not always be the best feeling. 

A: Well I’m not sure who I am but I’m not me.

C: This is Existentialism 1-0-1.

A: Oh, fuck you! I’m serious! Who am i supposed to trust but myself? And I don’t even know who I am. So what the fuck am I supposed to do?

C: You’re supposed to go to the Roadhouse and see if Billy is there.

A: I guess. Is it far?

C: C’mon Audrey, you know where it is. If I didn’t know better, I’d swear you were on drugs.

A: Just where is it???

C: I’m going to take you there. Now, are you going to stop playing games or do I have to enter Story 2?

A: What story is that, Charlie? (pause) Is that the story of the little girl who lived on the lake? (pause) Is it?

(Audrey sits down)

C: You’re the one that wanted to go. Now you’re looking like you wanna stay.

A: I wanna stay and I wanna go. I wanna do both. Which will it be, Charlie? Hmm? Which one would you be? Charlie, help me. Is it Ghostwood here?

I see 3 things in question here.  Did you by any chance have the closed caps on?

I pretty clearly heard her say "little girl who lived down the lane."

The Ghostwood comment I'm not sure about.

I thought I was sure about the end the story comment, but I suppose it could be endure or enter.  Think I'll watch with the closed caps on tonight.

Somebody else mentioned it earlier, but I too am getting a strong "Shutter Island" vibe as well. I know that storyline has been done elsewhere, but I cannot thing of where.

Well, Shutter Island, for one.  An old movie with Stacy Keach, The Ninth Configuration, used a similar device, too.  Coma was used in Life on Mars, and incidentally as the end to one series of Reeves and Mortimer.

Posted : 07/08/2017 7:38 pm
Posts: 2608

But Shutter Island wasn't a coma synopsis.  It was a psychological breakdown, play out the story, come to terms with your past synopsis.

Posted : 07/08/2017 7:40 pm
Posts: 2250
Noble Member
Posted by: Brandy Fisher

But Shutter Island wasn't a coma synopsis.  It was a psychological breakdown, play out the story, come to terms with your past synopsis.

I never said it was.  Re read my last post and put "Incidentally, re: the coma idea..." in between the two statements.

Posted : 07/08/2017 7:47 pm
Posts: 2608
Posted by: SamXTherapy
Posted by: Brandy Fisher

But Shutter Island wasn't a coma synopsis.  It was a psychological breakdown, play out the story, come to terms with your past synopsis.

I never said it was.  Re read my last post and put "Incidentally, re: the coma idea..." in between the two statements.

Gotcha.  I read it as you were referring to only coma synopsis. 

Clarified.  🙂

Posted : 07/08/2017 7:50 pm
Posts: 316
Reputable Member

With closed caps on it is little girl who lived down the lane and yes the ghostwood line.

Posted : 07/08/2017 7:50 pm
Posts: 2608
Posted by: Jeffery M. Thompson

With closed caps on it is little girl who lived down the lane and yes the ghostwood line.

I really oughtta try watching it that way.  There's already SO much to take in a pay attention to, I'm not sure I could handle one more input stimuli to follow.

Perhaps on my 8th or 9th viewing. 

Posted : 07/08/2017 7:52 pm
Posts: 181
Estimable Member
Posted by: Brandy Fisher
Posted by: Jeffery M. Thompson

With closed caps on it is little girl who lived down the lane and yes the ghostwood line.

I really oughtta try watching it that way.  There's already SO much to take in a pay attention to, I'm not sure I could handle one more input stimuli to follow.

Perhaps on my 8th or 9th viewing. 

But the closed captions are not always reliable.

Posted : 07/08/2017 7:54 pm
Posts: 2250
Noble Member

Either you lot all have really bad hearing or I'm exceptionally fortunate.  Or both.  I've been in very loud bands most of my adult life and I still have no discernible hearing problems.

Apart from when Mrs Therapy asks me to take the bins out, or something.  😉

Posted : 07/08/2017 7:55 pm
Posts: 2608
Posted by: SamXTherapy

Either you lot all have really bad hearing or I'm exceptionally fortunate.  Or both.  I've been in very loud bands most of my adult life and I still have no discernible hearing problems.

Apart from when Mrs Therapy asks me to take the bins out, or something.  😉

Lol, yes Deputy Sam, I do actually have some hearing loss from childhood sickness.

I have an exceptionally good sound system on my TV and I crank that show up, but there are just some ranges I have difficulty with and sometimes intonation challenges me if people aren't articulating (i.e. mumbling).  It's kind of like someone who isn't totally color blind but can't tell the difference between royal purple and royal blue. 🙂

Posted : 07/08/2017 7:59 pm
Posts: 2250
Noble Member

Ah.  I see.

I can sort of get the colour blindness, my little boy is, as far as we can tell.  We need to get him assessed again, since the last two tests were inconclusive, mainly due to his reaction to being tested.  Now he's a bit older, it may be easier for him.

As far as understanding goes, it reminds me of a strange experience I had in the US, visiting my then GF over there.  Somehow, between Chicago and Dallas, my baggage went AWOL.  Trying to get it back on the phone, the automated voice thingy couldn't understand me at all, and I have rather clear and precise diction - for a Northern Monkey, that is - so I had to give the phone to me GF.

Posted : 07/08/2017 8:09 pm
Posts: 2250
Noble Member
Posted by: Chris Sampson

The Audrey scene infuriated me last week; tonight it broke my heart.  Shades of Iain Banks' The Bridge?

Absolutely spot on.

Posted : 07/08/2017 8:10 pm
Posts: 5
Active Member
Posted by: Brandy Fisher

I see 3 things in question here.  Did you by any chance have the closed caps on?

I pretty clearly heard her say "little girl who lived down the lane."

The Ghostwood comment I'm not sure about.

I thought I was sure about the end the story comment, but I suppose it could be endure or enter.  Think I'll watch with the closed caps on tonight.

Somebody else mentioned it earlier, but I too am getting a strong "Shutter Island" vibe as well. I know that storyline has been done elsewhere, but I cannot thing of where.

No, I didn't have CC on. You're right about "little girl who lived down the lane." I must have been typing too quickly as the scene was playing back! 😀

The Ghostwood line isn't completely clear, but that was the best I could make out.

Posted : 07/08/2017 8:47 pm
Posts: 2608

So maybe instead of making Ghostwood and estate, they made it into a psychiatric institute.   fitting name for such a place.  🙂

Posted : 07/08/2017 9:15 pm
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