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Audrey's Psychosis

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Posted by: kdawg68

I'm pretty convinced everything in this episode happened earlier; meaning that Audrey's conversation with Charlie that we saw in "13" actually precedes what we saw in "12". It would make sense since they both seemed even more exasperated with each other in "12" than they did in "13".  I mean sure, there was tension last night, and a vague threat to "end your story", but compared to the verbal assaults Audrey unleashed at Charlie in the other conversation, essentially calling him less than a man, this was nothing.  

There does seem to be a "shutter island" feel to all of this.  Like walking you through the motions will maybe help you remember what really happened, who you really are, and where you really are.  We can only imagine he's gotten his little coat and accompanied her to the Roadhouse 5,000x "looking for Billy". 



I don't think the scene in part 13 can preceed the scne in part 12. The scene in part 13 begins with Audry again demanding to know what Tina said.

Posted : 07/08/2017 1:14 pm
Posts: 829
Prominent Member
Posted by: kdawg68

I'm pretty convinced everything in this episode happened earlier; meaning that Audrey's conversation with Charlie that we saw in "13" actually precedes what we saw in "12". It would make sense since they both seemed even more exasperated with each other in "12" than they did in "13".  I mean sure, there was tension last night, and a vague threat to "end your story", but compared to the verbal assaults Audrey unleashed at Charlie in the other conversation, essentially calling him less than a man, this was nothing.  

There does seem to be a "shutter island" feel to all of this.  Like walking you through the motions will maybe help you remember what really happened, who you really are, and where you really are.  We can only imagine he's gotten his little coat and accompanied her to the Roadhouse 5,000x "looking for Billy". 



I don't think the scene in part 13 can preceed the scne in part 12. The scene in part 13 begins with Audry again demanding to know what Tina said.

Posted : 07/08/2017 1:14 pm
Posts: 316
Reputable Member

In comments to the timeline of it. Earlier compared to what.
Shelley has a cut on her arm so the RR scene with the phone call is after the car incident. But the night scene with Bobby, Norma and Ed may not be. Also someone pointed out Ed eating his food and burning what I think is the matchbook cover (which reminds me of Leland talking about seeing Bob as boy way more than it should) happens at a different time.
Note Ed still has a wedding ring and Nadine does not appear to. So time is all over the place and these scenes don't always connect with each other. I am beginning to fill like Audrey and I am not sure if I want it to sort out or not.

Posted : 07/08/2017 1:16 pm
Lynn Watson reacted
Posts: 2250
Noble Member

I'm coming round to the idea Audrey is in a coma, or at least the state between coma and a return to full consciousness.  There are so many similarities between her current situation and that of  Alex/John Orr, the protagonist in Iain Banks' novel, The Bridge.

The conversations between Audrey and Charlie are very much like those of Orr and his doctor.

Posted : 07/08/2017 2:16 pm
Posts: 2250
Noble Member
Posted by: Karen
Posted by: groovy-llama-fan

Gender is an oppressive social construct, not a state of mind. I've never heard of anyone stating that they 'feel' like a certain gender without basing it on patriarchal stereotypes.

Stereotypes and rigid gender-roles are oppressive. How someone feels about themself is not. Being a transgender person I know the subject very well.

That's an interesting statement.  Genuinely; I am not being facetious, ironic or anything other than straightforward.  The reason I say so is because, if I were to say I felt like any gender at all, it is definitely male.  That's not to say I always conform to what society considers male, but rather I've never even considered myself to be anything other than what I am.

Posted : 07/08/2017 2:24 pm
Posts: 269
Reputable Member
Posted by: Jeffery M. Thompson

In comments to the timeline of it. Earlier compared to what.
Shelley has a cut on her arm so the RR scene with the phone call is after the car incident. But the night scene with Bobby, Norma and Ed may not be. Also someone pointed out Ed eating his food and burning what I think is the matchbook cover (which reminds me of Leland talking about seeing Bob as boy way more than it should) happens at a different time.
Note Ed still has a wedding ring and Nadine does not appear to. So time is all over the place and these scenes don't always connect with each other. I am beginning to fill like Audrey and I am not sure if I want it to sort out or not.

My current theory about apparent time indescrepencies is that the order of some scenes was changed post filming. Considering the amount of story that was shot, it would be a challenge to keep it all straight if they felt one scene worked better when preceding another.

Of course, some scenes (like Coop in the supposed White Lodge) are purposely shown out of order for storytelling purposes.

Posted : 07/08/2017 3:08 pm
Posts: 13
Active Member

Could be that Audrey has social anxiety about going out and after all she has been through Charlie was the only person to support her through it but is also manipulating and controlling her. After watching this weeks episode though it does make sense that she could also still be in a coma. It seems very odd that none of her family have mentioned her and she didn't know where the Roadhouse was. Audrey could have had her pick to marry anyone. A Reddit post mentioned Charlie being the other person in he photo with Mr C by the glass box. Who knows ... it's all very odd and I can't wait for the next few episodes. The timelines are also all over the place. The giant or ????? Said in episode 1, 'it is in our house now'. I always thought he meant it was in the 'good' white lodge side at last. After being dominated by the black lodge for 25 years. 

Posted : 07/08/2017 3:08 pm
Posts: 13
Active Member

Could be that Audrey has social anxiety about going out and after all she has been through Charlie was the only person to support her through it but is also manipulating and controlling her. After watching this weeks episode though it does make sense that she could also still be in a coma. It seems very odd that none of her family have mentioned her and she didn't know where the Roadhouse was. Audrey could have had her pick to marry anyone. A Reddit post mentioned Charlie being the other person in he photo with Mr C by the glass box. Who knows ... it's all very odd and I can't wait for the next few episodes. The timelines are also all over the place. The giant or ????? Said in episode 1, 'it is in our house now'. I always thought he meant it was in the 'good' white lodge side at last. After being dominated by the black lodge for 25 years. 

Posted : 07/08/2017 3:08 pm
Posts: 154
Estimable Member

I am currently writing about how sexual difference is just as constructed as gender even though biology is supposed to be something concrete and stable that gender 'floats above' in the social realm. In fact, biology is deeply unstable ground on which to establish any kind of identity. Chromosomes, hormones and yes, genitalia are not indication of sex, actually. I understand the distinction between wanting gender fluidity rather than gender abolition. What's great is that trans and nonbinary experiences are not homogenous. 

did I really just write this on the WTTwinPeaks form?!?!

Posted : 07/08/2017 3:56 pm
KLynched and SamXTherapy reacted
Posts: 2250
Noble Member
Posted by: The conversation is lively

I am currently writing about how sexual difference is just as constructed as gender even though biology is supposed to be something concrete and stable that gender 'floats above' in the social realm. In fact, biology is deeply unstable ground on which to establish any kind of identity. Chromosomes, hormones and yes, genitalia are not indication of sex, actually. I understand the distinction between wanting gender fluidity rather than gender abolition. What's great is that trans and nonbinary experiences are not homogenous. 

did I really just write this on the WTTwinPeaks form?!?!

Yep, you did.  

I can't say I understand the concept, beyond a recognition that some people don't feel any affinity for their biologically assumed gender.  I am pleased, though, that there is more open discussion and possibly acceptance.  Acceptance isn't the right word, either.  Gender, gender alignment, sexuality and everything that goes with it should be of no more importance to society as a whole than the colour of a person's eyes.  People is just people; there's room - or should be - for everyone.

I have to admit to a personal stake in this.  My children are young, and as yet, have no fixed ideas about who they are going to grow up to be.  I don't want them to grow up in a society that marginalizes them because they're different from the currently perceived standard issue human being.

Posted : 07/08/2017 4:13 pm
Posts: 5
Active Member

Here's my transcript of the scene. I'm sure it's not perfect, but here you go:

A: What did she say?

C: Audrey, we been over this

A: Tell me!

C: Audrey, stop it

A: I feel like I’m somewhere else. Have you ever had that feeling, Charlie?

C: No.

A: Like I’m somewhere else and like I’m somebody else. Have you ever felt that?

C: No. I always feel like myself. And it may not always be the best feeling. 

A: Well I’m not sure who I am but I’m not me.

C: This is Existentialism 1-0-1.

A: Oh, fuck you! I’m serious! Who am i supposed to trust but myself? And I don’t even know who I am. So what the fuck am I supposed to do?

C: You’re supposed to go to the Roadhouse and see if Billy is there.

A: I guess. Is it far?

C: C’mon Audrey, you know where it is. If I didn’t know better, I’d swear you were on drugs.

A: Just where is it???

C: I’m going to take you there. Now, are you going to stop playing games or do I have to enter Story 2?

A: What story is that, Charlie? (pause) Is that the story of the little girl who lived on the lake? (pause) Is it?

(Audrey sits down)

C: You’re the one that wanted to go. Now you’re looking like you wanna stay.

A: I wanna stay and I wanna go. I wanna do both. Which will it be, Charlie? Hmm? Which one would you be? Charlie, help me. Is it Ghostwood here?

Posted : 07/08/2017 5:26 pm
Posts: 968
Prominent Member
Posted by: citizenkeith

Here's my transcript of the scene. I'm sure it's not perfect, but here you go:

A: What did she say?

C: Audrey, we been over this

A: Tell me!

C: Audrey, stop it

A: I feel like I’m somewhere else. Have you ever had that feeling, Charlie?

C: No.

A: Like I’m somewhere else and like I’m somebody else. Have you ever felt that?

C: No. I always feel like myself. And it may not always be the best feeling. 

A: Well I’m not sure who I am but I’m not me.

C: This is Existentialism 1-0-1.

A: Oh, fuck you! I’m serious! Who am i supposed to trust but myself? And I don’t even know who I am. So what the fuck am I supposed to do?

C: You’re supposed to go to the Roadhouse and see if Billy is there.

A: I guess. Is it far?

C: C’mon Audrey, you know where it is. If I didn’t know better, I’d swear you were on drugs.

A: Just where is it???

C: I’m going to take you there. Now, are you going to stop playing games or do I have to enter Story 2?

A: What story is that, Charlie? (pause) Is that the story of the little girl who lived on the lake? (pause) Is it?

(Audrey sits down)

C: You’re the one that wanted to go. Now you’re looking like you wanna stay.

A: I wanna stay and I wanna go. I wanna do both. Which will it be, Charlie? Hmm? Which one would you be? Charlie, help me. Is it Ghostwood here?

The transcript to me reads like she could be stuck in a coma limbo, and Charlie is her guide / inner spirit trying to help her resolve whether to die (stay) or whether to go to the roadhouse (wake up). 

Or maybe the road house is the "follow the light" moment. 

Posted : 07/08/2017 5:47 pm
Posts: 150
Estimable Member
Posted by: MJ Gilbert
Posted by: kdawg68

I'm pretty convinced everything in this episode happened earlier; meaning that Audrey's conversation with Charlie that we saw in "13" actually precedes what we saw in "12". It would make sense since they both seemed even more exasperated with each other in "12" than they did in "13".  I mean sure, there was tension last night, and a vague threat to "end your story", but compared to the verbal assaults Audrey unleashed at Charlie in the other conversation, essentially calling him less than a man, this was nothing.  

There does seem to be a "shutter island" feel to all of this.  Like walking you through the motions will maybe help you remember what really happened, who you really are, and where you really are.  We can only imagine he's gotten his little coat and accompanied her to the Roadhouse 5,000x "looking for Billy". 



I don't think the scene in part 13 can preceed the scne in part 12. The scene in part 13 begins with Audry again demanding to know what Tina said.

I think there's a convincing case to be made for the RR / Becky scenes being shown in reverse. ep 13 clearly happening before Ep 11


Posted : 07/08/2017 5:56 pm
Posts: 39
Eminent Member

I think she's in a coma still. She can get the basics of what's going on plot-wise. Information is seeping into her consciousness, pieced together as if she's aware of a one sided telephone call. She understands that someone is missing, that someone is Cooper. She understands that Richard has done something, but she knows him as Chuck. I think we'll see someone at her bedside talking her through this. She is afraid to go to the Roadhouse. The Roadhouse is waking up, when she goes there she'll come to. If Charlie ends her story, they'll pull the plug.

Posted : 07/08/2017 6:15 pm
1stDragonarse, Audrey Horne, Hella Ella and 1 people reacted
Posts: 39
Eminent Member

It's all in her head, she's in a coma.

Posted : 07/08/2017 6:16 pm
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