Around the dinner table, the conversation was lively. Thank you but for now, the forum has been archived.
Another thought on the ceiling fan. that fan was in Laura's room. why would sarah have the fan on in a room she undoubtedly doesnt go into?
A stray cat knocking over bottles.
Or Bob.
Seriously, though, I reckon she's humping the delivery guy. 😉
Another thought on the ceiling fan. that fan was in Laura's room. why would sarah have the fan on in a room she undoubtedly doesnt go into?
I believe the fan is above the staircase?
Another thought on the ceiling fan. that fan was in Laura's room. why would sarah have the fan on in a room she undoubtedly doesnt go into?
I believe the fan is above the staircase?
a good chance the staircase Gordon glimpsed in the vortex
Another thought on the ceiling fan. that fan was in Laura's room. why would sarah have the fan on in a room she undoubtedly doesnt go into?
I think it's an illusion coz the window view is from a room surely laura's room what you see is the same fan from laura's room
This thread needs to be closed. Mystery solved After her freak out about the turkey jerky its gotta be this guy in the kitchen
I got the strong impression we were to assume the sound was from the poor clerk that was still in her house. I suspect this is something Lynch and Frost will use to poke fun at us with in the next episode.
Sarah is just watching the llama from Lydeckers Vet Clinic for the week. She's been feeding it lean cuisine and cigarettes. It doesn't like turkey jerky.
Sarah is just watching the llama from Lydeckers Vet Clinic for the week. She's been feeding it lean cuisine and cigarettes. It doesn't like turkey jerky.
No but it sounds like it likes vodka!
Sarah is just watching the llama from Lydeckers Vet Clinic for the week. She's been feeding it lean cuisine and cigarettes. It doesn't like turkey jerky.
No but it sounds like it likes vodka!
Put a bottle of Smirnoff Black Label in the freezer for a few hours, along with a few glasses.
Take it out when it starts to thicken, just before it begins to freeze properly. Pour into iced glass, but no ice in the glass. Don't add anything, just enjoy.
Sarah is just watching the llama from Lydeckers Vet Clinic for the week. She's been feeding it lean cuisine and cigarettes. It doesn't like turkey jerky.
No but it sounds like it likes vodka!
Put a bottle of Smirnoff Black Label in the freezer for a few hours, along with a few glasses.
Take it out when it starts to thicken, just before it begins to freeze properly. Pour into iced glass, but no ice in the glass. Don't add anything, just enjoy.
Might have to put it into an ice bowl or bucket for the llama.
You'd need a bloody big bucket for a llama.
I didn't think he was going to swim in it, just sip out of it. But okay, if he wants to take a dip in the near frozen Smirnoff Black, more power to him.
Sarah is going to need a WHOLE lot more vodka.
You want me to buy a bucket for a llama and you won't let me buy the rug I really want!
It's worth noting that if Smirnoff Black isn't available, Absolut is a decent replacement. Unlike some vodkas, they both stand up well to room temperature drinking neat, too. Many of the others taste like lighter fluid.
Smirnoff Red is pretty good in chocolate milkshake, though. Mrs Therapy thought I was insane until she tried it.