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What the hell? Did Diane read "coordinates + 2" out of the pic of Ruth Davenport's arm? I'm not getting this. Can anyone help me understand?
Yes, same here. Hopefully someone is smart enough to figure out what that was about and to please explain!
What the hell? Did Diane read "coordinates + 2" out of the pic of Ruth Davenport's arm? I'm not getting this. Can anyone help me understand?
I took it as her using some sort of mnemonic tool to remember the numbers on the arm.
I think she was just using a memory technique to recall the coordinates.
I remember in the last episode that Albert said the last two numbers of the coordinates on Ruth's arm were smudged- maybe that's the reason for "coordinates +2" basically, she's maybe saying "all these numbers that I have + 2 that I don't"?
Of course she could very well just be trying to remember the numbers- who knows?!
And if the coordinates would leed them back to Twin Peaks, it sure makes you wonder what Mr C has been up to all this years. I thought he was getting away from Twin Peaks. Far away.
My thought was that she had stored the coordinates she memorized from the picture into her phone (so she wouldn't forget them) under the name "coordinates plus 2".
I'm not sure, but it was already pointed out after part 11 that when Albert shows the picture Diane looks like she's trying to read the numbers but the lip movement doesn't seem to indicate she's reading the numbers but rather saying some kind of word. Maybe that was coordinates plus 2 and there's some kind of coded words, but that's all I got.
When I saw the scene I thought there was more of this "magic phone technology" thing going on that we've seen Mr C doing.
Then I thought maybe it was a way to memorize the numbers, as in every letter representing a number in the coordinate sequence. Coordinates (11) plus 2. But that makes 13 and not 16. Unless "coordinates" + "plus" + "2" = 11 + 4 + 1 = 16.
Anyway, just rewatched the scene, and I noticed that when she finds Twin Peaks with the GPS, the sound in the background sounds just like the humming sound from The Great Northern. Yes, I know that there is also the sound of the vacuum cleaner, but if you listen closely, the sound of the vacuum cleaner slowly changes into that strange humming sound.
or she have some hints from a secret admirer....;-)
Anyway, just rewatched the scene, and I noticed that when she finds Twin Peaks with the GPS, the sound in the background sounds just like the humming sound from The Great Northern. Yes, I know that there is also the sound of the vacuum cleaner, but if you listen closely, the sound of the vacuum cleaner slowly changes into that strange humming sound.
Indeed. And the hum in Ben's office has gone apparently...
Didn't Cole or Albert say last week that the coordinates were in north New York, or have I mis-remembered that?
Albert started to say " the north[west]" but he was cut off and you never heard the "west" part.
Don't the coordinates at the end say 1956? The year the insect crawls into the girls mouth?