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Audrey and Charlie Deep in the Woods

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Posted by: Chris Sampson

I rewatched this last night.  Has anyone picked up on the immediately preceding dialogue being Jacoby saying, "I hope they rot in the ninth circle of hell" (something like that) and then we cut very sharply to Audrey.  Deliberate?

First we had the assassination of Warden Murphy and the moon(hinting at Mr. C), then Jacobi's broadcast, and finally Audrey.  I would link all of these together as similar in approach(you could include Cole in this episode as well here). The approach or method these characters take is all too direct and forceful, insisting that a problem or something wrong be solved right away without reflection on how they are intervening in reality, the extent and nature of the mystery/problem they are dealing with is ignored and it proliferates stronger than ever; and all of these attempts do not solve the problem, but at the best bring temporary relief at the expense of getting stuck in the same problem again and repetitively failing by using the same method.  The problem is real, but they are stuck in the same failing method which makes them hit the same problem which just gets more intense as they fail to solve it.  Sort of like how direct capitalist authoritarianism is now working perfectly with 'direct democracy', both approaches just hide from actually confronting and working through the problems(someone gets labelled something, a flaw is found, and the person is directly and forcefully killed, imprisoned, or scorned, 'shut down', and the problem is left alone in tact, waiting for the next person who tries to solve it, who will be 'shut down').  Both of these approaches are defenses against solving the problem, and both enjoy the state of affairs created by this problem and in which it thrives, even if they claim they are trying to solve it (Jacobi), testifying to their secret pact with the problem and the world it creates.

Mr. C attempts to get everything and control right away, by force, disposing of people along the way, and thinking that his iphone getting rid of 'tracking devices' is going to solve the problem immediately.  This only leads to an intensification of the problem, since he has failed to reflect on the problem and cannot anticipate that Ray would double cross him, or try it, even though all the signs were there from before.  He ends up getting shot, right when he exerts 'direct control'.  Mr. C's approach has led everyone to try and betray him(there are even possible hints that Chantal and Hutch are even looking elsewhere(red light and Chantal's gaze by the truck at the farm).  Signs indicate that Mr. C is heading towards his death, and he is already basically a 'living dead', he 'needs nothing', etc., just doing what he is doing because the problem is unsolved(Laura and twin peaks) and has given up on it being solved, thinks that this is 'reality', so either destruction or his own death, his direct approach goes here.  Mr. C's problem will never be solved in a way that will bring back what he wants(full direct union with Laura and twin peaks/world, like BOB, at the expense of the rest of the world that has destroyed this).  Cooper acting like BOB, taking on the approach of those who made him go mad in order to solve his problem, which was created by BOB and his approach in the first place.....

Jacobi is also upset about the loss of Laura, whom he was obsessed with and taking illicit enjoyment from, and the old twin peaks, both of which are never coming back, a tragedy. Laura and twin peaks were destroyed by this type of approach, the gold enjoyment shovel that digs out from the shit and into the light, how Jacobi used Laura to reinvigorate himself(he thought he was a terrible man before Laura, did not care about the town, was taking from it, etc.) at the expense not breaking up her seductive self-destructive tendencies as her psychologist. Jacobi was the same as everyone else taking from Laura and twin peaks, then hiding from the problems as if they dont exist, then complaining when that old world is destroyed, dead and gone.  Jacobi still wants to 'screw the vamp', and is buried deep in the woods to keep that old dream and gold shovel method alive, hide from the fact that it is gone, that is not the same as it was now that old twin peaks is gone.  Jacobi knows its gone, and is rightly blaming the core problem (politicians and capitalism, etc.), but is acting as if the old twin peaks could come back if they could somehow just be erased, and he could go on 'screwing the vamp' like before.  The golden digging, 'screwing the vamp', creates the brown/shit, led to Laura's death and the death of old twin peaks, so his digging lands him back in the shit every time, and he is stuck in the woods.  He is actually in the same hell as the capitalist leaders/billionaires, etc., out in the woods, unable to intervene, repeating the old same failed approach which caused the problem in the first place....the direct enjoyment by digging will never solve this.....and this is reflected in his broadcasts which are full of energy and enjoyment, directly demanding a result so that he could come back out of the woods and reunite with laura in old twin peaks; also the middle broadcast was a brown/shit one, he was way more upset and shaken.  

Finally we have Audrey.  She is upset at a 'husband' who abandoned her with Richard(either Wheeler or Cooper).  She says to a 'husband' who has abandoned her for a career: 'why would you be caught up doing work while someone is lost in the woods?'(meaning herself hurting, going crazy that he didnt come back)? what kind of man are you?); so that now she went out to directly fix the problem, someone wronged her and fix it directly, going for mad revenge(going to bars, also basically disowning and ignoring and/or abusing her kid Richard, a product of the tainted affair that destroyed her, etc.); and she is now caught in a loop repeating the same problem, trying to get back at Wheeler(or Mr. C) with Billy, but never finding a 'Billy' that eliminates the problem, the loss is still there, etc, repeat over and over and get worse, golden shovel leads to shit, dig out again, repeat forever, etc.....this guy Charlie is trying to prompt her to deal with those problems......not letting her escape to the roadhouse, getting her to start facing the extent of the tragedy and problem, seeing there are 'no stars', not going to be solved and be like before, but can be brought to justice, dealt with, etc., while the direct approach is making the problem worse and more intense...

The answer is that everyone is caught in a hell right now because of the direct destruction of the ability to intervene properly, to get some idea of the problem they are dealing with, but directly denouncing people doing this or just demanding a magical solution directly, a 'jackpot' which will save them......, but this method/approach is ingrained into the profit motivation which drives the capitalist economy, profit for profits sake, beyond all bounds, at the cost of the destruction of the world, its not about solving economic problems, or accomplishing goals, but gets caught up in the direct method of profit here and now at the expense of everything else, the golden shovel, then the world turns to shit(debts which can never be paid, crises, etc.), and people are expecting a magical solution, a 'jackpot'.   Contrast this with Carl Rodd's approach, he is not going crazy demanding stuff directly and lashing out at people, but takes time to see the problem in its full tragedy and infinite importance(fire over the killed boy, saying 'what a nightmare' about Steven and Becky's direct revenge against one another, etc.) and tries to solve it justly as far as he can, like with Criskol and Shelly....

Posted : 03/08/2017 5:04 am
Posts: 150
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Posted by: Murat Erol Özkan
Posted by: Caoimhín Shirey

Billy being Billy Zane would also be yet another flirtation with the fourth wall.

What do you mean by 'fourth wall'?

Basically, actors talking directly to the audience.  The fourth wall is the imaginary wall separating the stage from the audience.  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fourth_wall

Posted : 03/08/2017 5:35 am
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Posted by: Murat Erol Özkan
Posted by: Caoimhín Shirey

Billy being Billy Zane would also be yet another flirtation with the fourth wall.

What do you mean by 'fourth wall'?

The Fourth Wall: is the space (invisible wall) that separates a performer or performance from an audience. 

Given that John Justice Wheeler was played by Billy Zane, I think if Billy is Billy Zane that's a breach (or flirtation). 

Posted : 03/08/2017 7:07 am
Posts: 472
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Posted by: Caoimhín Shirey
Posted by: Murat Erol Özkan
Posted by: Caoimhín Shirey

Billy being Billy Zane would also be yet another flirtation with the fourth wall.

What do you mean by 'fourth wall'?

The Fourth Wall: is the space (invisible wall) that separates a performer or performance from an audience. 

Given that John Justice Wheeler was played by Billy Zane, I think if Billy is Billy Zane that's a breach (or flirtation). 

I see what you mean here, like when an actor looks at the crowd and says something like '...this character has done this, and what about you, what did you do here....?', directly addressing the crowd.  I wouldnt say Twin Peaks has crossed this barrier, and I think it would ruin the universe of twin peaks, getting rid of its impact, as if it is not real, but just some message, just a fake play, allows the audience to dismiss it in a way.  I would say that those elements in Twin peaks which seem like they are addressed to us are the clues, which allow a foothold to start making sense of what is happening, without crossing that barrier which would suspend the world of twin peaks, and immediately make it reabsorbed into 'normality'......like when Mullins says 'Bushnell Double Down', it is almost as if he is crossing that 'fourth wall' between what he experienced, making it just a fictional play that is separated from 'reality', maybe a lesson, but not the way things really are....he is suspending the impact of what he has experienced around Dougie and Dougie's work to uncover the widespread insurance fraud and police corruption, almost as if he is addressing the world and saying yeah its all just a play, not real, its a warning, but thankfully I am back in some other reality that is genuinely good, taken care of by someone else(God ultimately) so I dont have to worry about this thing impacting my entire business/life, etc., in these situations what can you do, just let it go, 'Bushnell Double Down' just like Dougie, ill treat the situation as a zombie/irrational, just forget it, etc, then basically join with the people committing the crimes(Mitchums are alright, etc.), doesnt matter what I think/do, etc........all his concerns about the widespread insurance fraud and police corruption participating in it are re-normalized into the bright and vibrant Dougie universe(Mitchums are alright, viva las vegas, etc., everything is great again), there are big problems, things arent what they should be, they dont make sense, but hey, this irrational zombie guy just got me a big pay off, somehow it all works out in the end, just dont worry about it, it will go away, I did my little part, etc., now back to the safety of some savior/Dougie who takes care of what happens....and of course Dougie is taking care of everything in the backyard with Sonny Jim, playing catch

Posted : 03/08/2017 4:56 pm
Posts: 472
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Posted by: Chris Sampson

I rewatched this last night.  Has anyone picked up on the immediately preceding dialogue being Jacoby saying, "I hope they rot in the ninth circle of hell" (something like that) and then we cut very sharply to Audrey.  Deliberate?

So this need for 'everything to be alright' no matter how bad it is or what has happened, is what traps Jacobi, Audrey, Mr. C, and everyone in the 'ninth circle of hell', this directly trying to do something that is malfunctioning and getting the same result over and over again, unable to intervene because their mode of intervention is direct and misses the problem, that there are 'no stars', things are not alright, big problems are unsolved, etc., no consistency in reality, it depends what we do...Audrey going to the roadhouse again and again looking for Billy to make up for her 'husband', but Billy is always lost deep in the woods, the 'daters' at the roadhouse who are driving each other mad, Jacobi broadcasts on repeat while buried deep in the woods; all of them assume that everything is great, just some 'bad guy' messing things up, which allows them to continue in the direct mode of their failed activity, making the problem worse.....but if there are 'no stars', they could see that everything is not alright, there is no Billy/Dougie out there that is going to save them and fix what happened, no direct erasing of the corporate politicians which will return old twin peaks and Laura Palmer....'no stars' things are not alright, the 'absurd forces of existence' can hold the problem intact, not give you justice etc., it also depends on what people accept and how the world is run by men(accepting a world ruled by Mr. C/Billionaires, because their manufactured Dougie hits jackpots, etc., can play breaking bad with drinking and gambling, everything is great even though its criminal and corrupt, 'Bushnell Double Down') and this is that 'hell', cannot do anything, eliminating free activity with digital networks, tying people up like Johnny in a chair to watch teddy bear/iphone, while genuine life slowly decay into the ninth level of hell for the benefit of Mr. C/Billionaires, while you directly intervene fruitlessly, getting worse and worse; Carl saw that there were no stars, but a burning injustice, the 'fire' that does not turn black, but looks to intervene indirectly, looking at the world seeing the problems, etc., then intervening in how to fix things, thinking first, etc.....

Posted : 03/08/2017 5:25 pm
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I think people are 'being burnt by the flames of this hell Jacobi mentions' when they get the feeling from this episode of restlessness(which I also got), the claustrophobic feeling from watching that scene with Audrey and the people at the bar(no way to escape, etc.), wanting it to hurry up, dissatisfaction, tired of seeing Jacobi's broadcasts over and over, upset about how Audrey is, wanting some relief or solving of the problem right away....this feeling is exactly the problem of directness which Audrey, Jacobi, et. al. are suffering from: unable to think/intervene or identify/solve any problems while at the same time being increasingly damaged by the problem, trying directly to do away with it only for it to come back stronger than ever, stuck in this repetitive loop, hell is here and now.....

Posted : 03/08/2017 7:30 pm
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