Around the dinner table, the conversation was lively. Thank you but for now, the forum has been archived.
This might not be popular! I'm starting to question if DougieCoop is the REAL Cooper. Lynch has a way of artistically testing our boundaries. Bear with me...
Cooper has been in an institution his entire a result of being severely abused as a child. His inner-self is attempting to reconcile why horrible things happen. Ultimately, there is no Twin Peaks. The two peaks are the conscious place and the place where you go in your mind to escape the abuse. (Floating head)
He fabricates, in his mind, a young girl abused by an unknown abuser, her father. He finds justice for her, but realizes that her father was molested as a child. He must make a personal journey to explain all of this to himself. In turn, he realizes that he is the one to change his own fortune.
I think the significance of the nuclear detonation will be a wow moment (minds blown). The recognition that evil instills evil into a child, but every person has the chance to change that timeline.
Thank you, if you read this far!!!
I was thinking the film Sucker Punch. I've read similar theories that Coop is dreaming (Wizard of Oz) or has multiple personality disorder (Identity) but I don't think that Lynch and Frost would let us viewers off the hook so easily.
I've been reading this page all season. I appreciate any input. Personally, I think it's a telling clue that Lynch's twitter lists him as an Eagle Scout.
What if all of his creations tell one singular tale?
I've wondered about a few theories like this myself, and I've always come to the conclusion that they are just too linear and unoriginal for Lynch.
Have to see St. Elmo's Fire Elsewhere, but I think of that as also the Jacob's Ladder theory, Fight Club, or the end of Brazil. While I like that sometimes, it is a bit tiresome of a trope that "it was all a dream, or was it?" particularly because it allows them too much leeway by depriving you of enough information that you believe it's real until it can't be. I could see your perspective, though, particularly in light of this season (but not so much FWWM+TP Seasons 1/2).
I'm not a kiddo. I watched Twin Peaks on network television. I've watched his entire collection of works more times than I can count.
He, for sure, has a message. Every artist has something to convey.
Film is his venue to distribute to the masses.
I'm not a kiddo. I watched Twin Peaks on network television. I've watched his entire collection of works more times than I can count.
He, for sure, has a message. Every artist has something to convey.
Film is his venue to distribute to the masses.
No need to go all Richard Horne on us, kid...
Not exactly! Thank you for reading all of that! Actually, I think that this was for him to work through personal trauma.
Of course it all *could* be in his consciousness, but I'm going to keep it in my head that they are all real people who exist, otherwise my brain might melt!
I'm not a kiddo. I watched Twin Peaks on network television. I've watched his entire collection of works more times than I can count.
He, for sure, has a message. Every artist has something to convey.
Film is his venue to distribute to the masses.
I don't see anyone treating you like a child , or a "kiddo." Just stating opinions on your theory.
I can go deeper into this. I will assume that everyone has seen Eraserhead. (If not..... go watch)
That was a film about a beaten down man killing his son to prevent him from becoming the monster that he projected.
Now....Leland killed his daughter. Wait! She died and ascended.
i know that this is extreme. A nope can't wipe it away.
Kelly, I can't tell if your comment was directed my way, but if it was, I apologize if I sounded dismissive or patronizing as it wasn't my intent.