Around the dinner table, the conversation was lively. Thank you but for now, the forum has been archived.
Disco is coming back in style.
Disco is coming back in style.
So is that gum you like. 😉
Disco is coming back in style.
So is that gum you like. 😉
Exactly so.
But not the old Dale Cooper, I fear. Or maybe I don't.
"How did you react when you first learned that Agent Cooper had been trapped inside the Black Lodge for all of these years since the original finale? Was it as heartbreaking for you as it was for the audience?
I knew that the audience was excited, just based on social media, for the return of the Cooper that they remembered. I couldn't say anything about that — that there was a process that had to happen before the ship could right itself, let's say. I also like to say we're basically ... my take on it is that the world is out of balance, and we're trying to take it back into balance now. We have 18 hours to do that. But I knew it would be difficult for people. Many people wanted the nostalgic return to the Twin Peaks that they remembered. And that's not what we're representing here. There are a lot of new stories going forward."
Kyle's answer to the above question is one of the reasons I think the "old" Dale will return. However, I agree that he won't be quite the same. I explained it to a friend like this: it's a bit like returning to the town in which you grew up after, say, a ten year abscence. Houses have burned down, stores have gone out of business, the empty lot you played in as a child now has a convenience store atop it, your parent's front porch has weathered, etc. The town has physically changed, yes, but so too have you through experiences lived over the past ten years away from the town. Your filter has changed. Your memories aren't going to match what you're currently seeing and experiencing. The analogy isn't solely about the perception of the viewer: Dale has spent the past twenty-five years trapped in the Red Room. He is in the process of rediscovering not only his (I)dentity but also existing in our dimension. That is a much more radical return "home."
I think he will return as a fully aware Special Agent Dale Cooper but...
a whole lot less Boy Scout and a whole lot more serious badass FBI guy.
I still think there's a scenario for him to play happy families with Janey-E and Sonny Jim, too, but with Lynch at the helm, it could go either way.
Kyle M. has hinted Cooper will not be like 90's Coop on ABC, that it's been 25 years and people change ( not to mention all that he has gone through, BL, limbo room, being disintegrated & reintegrated back into our world ).
Deader than leisure suits. Disco has returned somewhat in popularity.
Coop will be back, Kyle has more or less said that, and the trailer shot of him driving supports that view. I originally thought it would be gradual return to form, but are we are sufficiently late in the series with only miniscule glimpses of a recovery, that I now think there will be a triggering event. I think it might be something to do with Coop's FBI badge (or "pin" if you are American).
Americans call them badges, as you might have noticed in the show. He was fascinated with the policeman's badge.
IMO Coop wakes up in part 12 Let's Rock!
IMO Coop wakes up in part 12 Let's Rock!
I can picture Belushi excited saying that as we return to the Santino's setting and Cooper having a flashback similar to when Jade told him he could "go out now" at the casino.
Then he looks up at them and says "I'm an FBI agent", and the brothers bolt for the hills.
Candie, being the confused dunce that she seems to be, gets left behind in the wake, with a newly awakened Cooper there to care for her.
But all of that would be problematic for Sonny Jim and Janey-E so it seems too predictable and imperfect.
It's equally likely that arm (tree) gives him that message.
Why is the arm evolving into a tree, anyway? Is it to take root in this world?