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“Diane... Entering the town of Twin Peaks.”

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Evil Diane

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Posted by: Rilly Rill

Diane says she saw the "Woodsman" get out of the car, but in the scene she actually watches as the "dirty homeless man" goes in, and then she turns away.

Why'd she lie?

Far-fetched, but when there's a scene that I think is supposed to represent Diane viewing the Woodsman (around 14 mins in), it is a mirror image of when Albert and Gordon see him (but he also seems to move differently than when they observed him).

My initial take was that she was was misdirecting for some reason (like suggesting it was already there, that maybe it escaped Hasting's body), but maybe she did see him exiting the vehicle, which would seem yrev unusual.  I'll go with her seeing the spirit stuff backwards/reversed for now and see if it goes anywhere in the future.

Posted : 24/07/2017 9:03 pm
Lynn Watson reacted
Posts: 472
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Posted by: Rilly Rill

Diane says she saw the "Woodsman" get out of the car, but in the scene she actually watches as the "dirty homeless man" goes in, and then she turns away.

Diane, in reply to the Cop's(forgot his name) call for backup, says, "There's no backup for this". So Diane has to know probably more about these spirit woodmen than Cole and Albert. She knows they're not dealing with physical enemies.

Why'd she lie?

The woodsman sneaking up and getting into Hastings and 'taking off his head' is not just a physical death, but also something like torture that destroys the 'spiritual/mental frame', the coordinates of reality as Hastings relates to it etc.  During torture a persons entire experience of reality is shattered, it is experienced as unreal, then later the tortured person begins to reform his/her sense of reality after the shock(sort of like the way news on internet and tv functions with fear and protection) the whole world can look like its more dangerous, symbol reminiscent of the scene can evoke anger, etc., but the old 'reality' of the world is lost, cannot go back to that old safe reality that existed before the torture.  Remember when Hastings was first put in prison, then the woodsmen in a couple cells over had his head float up....this means that after what Hastings is going to go through(losing hopes of his true love, who is now dead, and 'scuba diving', and losing his search for truth/knowledge, knowing its over, going to sit in prison, etc.).  Hastings lost his head, as if a bomb went off, there is an unsolvable blue rose traffic jam up there he couldnt deal with...there is definitely a lot of fire where he is(place forbidden by Mr. C/woodsmen/billionaire et al., search for love truth/knowledge) and he got burnt badly, like the woodsmen.  While he is dead physically, this is also something like his transformation via torture/terror, he will get burnt by the 'black fire', or 'electricity/energy' attached to sick/dying life', his old life destroyed by the terror/torture.  Diane saw something 'get out', how Hastings existence and struggles were destroyed, burning him into a woodsmen, his head is gone, floated up(like in the prison) as the unsolved debt 'haunting ghost' of a burnt woodsmen

Diane can see what is going on and that there 'is no backup for that', since she has been through something similar when Mr. C got a hold of her, although she thought he was the old jolly agent cooper.  That experience shattered the coordinates of her reality, sending her on the downward spiral of drinking and promiscuity, being burnt like a corrupted woodsmen, went on the 'gotta light' rampage, she is always smoking etc., think that that pain in the old dying life killed by the intervention of torture is 'all there is', since does not recognize 'no stars'/void, but the consistency of the star/atomic energy-explosions that burn....she cannot go back, but doesnt have to be trapped in that downward spiral either, gotta go for justice/fixing problems, trying to let that torture have as little impact as possible, while taking it serious and treating it accordingly....This 'all there is' is also why Shelly's approach is wrong, all they see is the pain inflicted by some 'criminal' husband as some kind of consistent reality, no matter what Bobby is doing, etc.....things are bad and going down, but sometimes something good can emerge in attempts to deal with this, and I think Diane is not settled on with Mr. C yet, her responses and being allowed to smoke helped her break the cycle of obscenities and come back to the 'coffee table' where there was some level of civilized interaction, she may decide after all to go with Gordon and his group and double cross Mr. C.............

Posted : 25/07/2017 1:39 am
Posts: 472
Reputable Member

Also, I think Diane has been in something like shock since her encounter with Mr. C, and now that she has faced him again in the prison she is just staring to come around, the 'who are you' part, etc., so that there is space for her to come to terms with what happened and change around; but also she must have been working with Mr. C before for him to be able to contact her and for her to know it was him and what to do etc., suggests they work before and she is sort of like a female spy for him and maybe involved in seduction and death of various people, and in this case it is more likely that she will not come back around to 'cole's table'.....

Posted : 25/07/2017 2:03 am
Posts: 53
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But what did she mouth???  At first I thought she was blowing smoke (no pun intended) but my rematch she definitely mouthed something and it looked like the direction of the Woodsman because all attention was focused on Cole at that point.

Posted : 25/07/2017 5:23 am
Posts: 168
Estimable Member
Posted by: Brandy Fisher

Something else odd about Diane last night.  She actually asked if she could smoke in the detectives office.  At the morgue she just lit up and then told them off when told she couldn't smoke in there.  Yet she asked more than once and then essentially convinced the detective to consent. 

Her inconsistency seems to the only consistent thing about her.

I felt She didn't want to go out And miss all The new stuff they will be talking with The coffee.  She probably knew all already about Briggs death And wasn't interested in going with The others,  but this time She knew there was something To listen to.  

Posted : 25/07/2017 7:45 am
Posts: 142
Estimable Member
Posted by: SamXTherapy

Diane is not evil.  Playing a double game, yes.  Dishonest, yes.  Hidden agenda, yes.  Evil, no.

For all we know, she may be acting under duress.  We don't know what Mr C did, or what hold he has over her.

My thoughts exactly as well. Diane is a wildcard, but I still think at the end of the day she'll work against EvilCoop.

Posted : 25/07/2017 9:58 am
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