Around the dinner table, the conversation was lively. Thank you but for now, the forum has been archived.
maybe Coop is going to remain catatonic through the end of the series....
being in the lodge for 25 years would have some side effects....
at this point (11 hours in) I'm prepared to accept that Coop is a piece in the puzzle but he is in no way the key
for what it's worth I'd love to see / hear something about agent Chester Desmond ....
What does Cooper say when he has his mouth full with pie at the very end of the episode?
What does Cooper say when he has his mouth full with pie at the very end of the episode?
He says "friend" - while choking on a mouthful of pie. Belushi told Candie to get our friend another piece of pie before Coop spoke.
Damn I thought maybe he was starting to say something on his own instead of just repeating others
But Cooper is fairly coherent IN the lodge, when he inquired whether Laura Palmer is truly Laura Palmer, again (S3, P1). It's after he leaves that he becomes suppressed or oxygen-deprived or whatever.
- I am afraid Coopers awakening is being used to bring viewers back in each night much like Laura Palmers killer identity was used to lure people night in and out during the original 2 seasons. Cbs forced Lynch to give up the killers identity midway through season 2. Now he has total control. Coop might not wake up till the very last scene of episode 18! I see him saying "Diane" and the screen fading to black.
It's been said (by Frost I think) that the return would be focusing on Dale's return to Twin Peaks. (I've paraphrased cause I can't be bothered to find the actual quote but it is out there).
I've no doubt SA Dale Cooper will be a changed man but I don't think he will remain in his current state inhabiting Dougie's life.
There is progression in his "condition", albeit very, very small steps, as this series has moved forward.
ETA: couldn't find the exact quote I was looking for but Showtime president David Nevins
...describes the revival as Cooper’s “odyssey back to himself”...
I think (hope) that we'll see Cooper before the end of the season, we can see him driving at night in this teaser
- I am afraid Coopers awakening is being used to bring viewers back in each night much like Laura Palmers killer identity was used to lure people night in and out during the original 2 seasons. Cbs forced Lynch to give up the killers identity midway through season 2. Now he has total control. Coop might not wake up till the very last scene of episode 18! I see him saying "Diane" and the screen fading to black.
Yes, I came this conclusion several episodes ago, probably episode 5 or something. Everyone wants Cooper to wake up, but everyone also wanted to know who killed Laura Palmer. Lynch and Frost know that wanting Cooper to wake up has a similar driving force as wanting to find out who killed Laura. They were forced to reveal it too early in Season 2. I don't think they will be making a similar mistake again here.
I'm fairly sure we'll see some normal Coop, I don't know how much, but I believe we will. The scene with the Giant is likely to be set in the future, and we saw the scene in the trailer with him driving. I'd be quite surprised if he remains in this state for the rest of the season.
My money is on him 'waking up' ready for the back to back penultimate and final episode.
I'm not sure that scene with him driving is the good Cooper, but I do think we will get to see the Cooper we want before the end of the season. I don't accept or reject his return to the real world, I am just staying suspended here between both worlds for a while as the rest of the show happens.
I think (hope) that we'll see Cooper before the end of the season, we can see him driving at night in this teaser
Good spot. Seems evidence enough to me. Only challenge could be that it's a changed appearance DoppleCoop, but then I'm sure that he'd have that more trademark stern look about him.
Ok I admit it, I want the old Coop back. I'm tired of the Dougie schtick and almost felt like KM was too in ep. 11.
But I agree with the consensus. I don't think Coop will be himself until the very end, if at all.
My gut tells me the last ep will be the crowded showdown of many primary characters at the "coordinates" and that there's a VERY good chance the season will end on just as big a cliffhanger as season 2, even if no further seasons are ever made.
One big cliffhanger could be the invasion the Giant's lodge by the dark forces of the Black Lodge. Thus his statement to Coop at the beginning of the series: "It is in our house now."
Which also reveals that Coop, like Laura, is a creation of, and/or agent of, the Good Lodge.
I'm loving the new Coops. I think it was a bold and gutsy call by Lynch to do this but he has both subverted our expectations and created 2 (2.5?) new characters from the old Coop. We'll see him again in the end I believe. But when it happens, it will be magical.