Around the dinner table, the conversation was lively. Thank you but for now, the forum has been archived.
The person EvilCoop thinks is Phillip Jeffries (maybe he's not sure now) is actually Diane. The text message Diane receives is one EvilCoop thinks he is sending to Jeffries - after all, Phillip has been to one of their meetings (around a dinner table).
It would have to mean that Diane is one good espionage agent. Of course, not impossible given her FBI background, but do you think she's capable?
The person EvilCoop thinks is Phillip Jeffries (maybe he's not sure now) is actually Diane. The text message Diane receives is one EvilCoop thinks he is sending to Jeffries - after all, Phillip has been to one of their meetings (around a dinner table).
Then who was Mr C talking to? It was a male voice.
The person EvilCoop thinks is Phillip Jeffries (maybe he's not sure now) is actually Diane. The text message Diane receives is one EvilCoop thinks he is sending to Jeffries - after all, Phillip has been to one of their meetings (around a dinner table).
Then who was Mr C talking to? It was a male voice.
I'm assuming it's easy to change your voice.
It would have to mean that Diane is one good espionage agent. Of course, not impossible given her FBI background, but do you think she's capable?
It would. I don't know how good she'd be as an agent but she seems pretty damn cool so far! I'm guessing she started to investigate after her horrible encounter with Cooper. I'm also guessing she has access to a lot of sophisticated FBI communications equipment through her job.
Bad Cooper already has doubts about the real identity of the person he thought was Philip Jeffries. I don't think he would send that dinner table message to him.
Just imagine if it is Gordon
The person EvilCoop thinks is Phillip Jeffries (maybe he's not sure now) is actually Diane. The text message Diane receives is one EvilCoop thinks he is sending to Jeffries - after all, Phillip has been to one of their meetings (around a dinner table).
Then who was Mr C talking to? It was a male voice.
I'm assuming it's easy to change your voice.
That person was using a voice scrambler when talking to BadCoop at the Motel, it could well have been Diane
Extremely easy to change your voice.
"Lively", I think you may be onto something here..... Gurdjieff had a concept in his teaching known as"the law of three": Affirming, Denying, and Reconciling forces present in all things. If the Black and White Lodges are the affirming/denying forces, then Diane would be the third force, reconciling the effects of both and restoring balance to the situation....hmmmm
"Laura is the one" - Log Lady
That's an intriguing thought...!
"Lively", I think you may be onto something here..... Gurdjieff had a concept in his teaching known as"the law of three": Affirming, Denying, and Reconciling forces present in all things. If the Black and White Lodges are the affirming/denying forces, then Diane would be the third force, reconciling the effects of both and restoring balance to the situation....hmmmm
Wow. That's amazing! I really want to think about that more. So interesting to see you mention Gurdjieff! I have another thread asking about Dougie and the bardos (I really don't know anything). Do you think there's anything in that?
As the show goes on, I'm really feeling that Dougie and Candie are spiritual passengers of some sort.
She may not have to be a good agent if she got the notes from both. She would immediately have more information than the two. If she was transcribing all the Blue Rose cases her knowledge base would be formidable.
She may not have to be a good agent if she got the notes from both. She would immediately have more information than the two. If she was transcribing all the Blue Rose cases her knowledge base would be formidable.
Very good point!