Around the dinner table, the conversation was lively. Thank you but for now, the forum has been archived.
Hi folks! Long time reader, first time poster.
I've written a short Twin Peaks story (in screenplay format) set in 1952 about a young Ben, Jerry, a certain green bike, and a strange encounter in the woods. There are quite a few Easter eggs and references to people, places and events from S1 and The Return.
The inspiration came from re-watching the original Pilot episode again recently, and how in the wake of Laura's death, the parents of Twin Peaks reacted and over-compensated for their feelings of guilt and neglect. Doc Hayward and Donna, Ben and Audrey, Big Ed and James... it got me thinking that Ben's father probably didn't just give him that green bike for nothing.
It's called Ghostwood (not a terribly original title, I know!) and I'd love to hear what other fans think about it! Let me know your thoughts and if you would read more stories like this set in the Twin Peaks universe. Thanks for reading!
Would love to read it, Christopher!
Hook us up!
Would seem I forgot to attach the PDF to the original post! Should be attached here...
For security reasons, first-time posters cannot attach PDF files. Let me see if I can approve your attachment...
Haha, OK, attaching PDF here one more time...
In case that doesn't work, here's a public link to the document on Google Drive:
I enjoyed that a lot ?
I particularly liked the conflict in Ben as he slaps Jerry, regrets it and tries to justify it, and the whole scene with Jane. Good work sir!
Very cool! I really like the tie-in to the foot. It gives that whole bit in The Return some meaning where there seemed to be none before.
Very creative. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks so much for reading, and thanks for the feedback!
I wanted to show the aspects of Ben that eventually resurface in Audrey, and later in Richard. Ben's flash of anger at the maid, and later at Jerry, was for me a connection to how Richard reacts when he's emasculated by Red in The Return. It's also about how ill-equipped Ben is to deal with real loss, which is something you could say about half the town...
Glad you liked the bit about The Foot! In my mind, this is what Jerry meant in The Return when he yells at the woods, "You can't fool me! I've been here before!"