Around the dinner table, the conversation was lively. Thank you but for now, the forum has been archived.
Boo hoo hoo.
Who broke the forum?
Restarted computer. Changed browser - from Opera to Chrome - still no workee.
Very unhappy. Waaah! Waaaah!
Still not working. *cwy*
Hmmm. I just tried a test to post an image, after picking one & clicking submit, the page seemed to lock up on a blank page, the browser address bar looking correct. I had to exit that tab & re-enter the WTTP site.
That is odd. Looking into it!
Thank you!
Just tested again. Still no workee.
Still not working. ☹️
Not working for me either - it just hangs on a white page & then chucks me out...
C'mon, Pieter, get the lead out yer pants!
Sorry, everyone. I'm out on a camping trip to Jack Rabbit's Palace since yesterday. Whatever I tried, failed to fix the issue. I will investigate upon my return.
Thank you! Enjoy your trip and watch out for Arms.
Still broken.