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“Diane... Entering the town of Twin Peaks.”

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It's a  bit of a ghost town here lately ?

I'm still just jotting thoughts down ......

It always puzzled me how in episode 17 Lucy is not shown getting positioned outside Trumans door by Andy as was shown to us in Andys trip to the fireman.

She just appears at the crucial moment. 

Then I remembered that someone discovered that she sometimes wears one necklace and sometimes two.

So the scene happens more than once. Official and unofficial versions.

Posted : 10/09/2018 5:52 am
Posts: 618
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Posted by: Julie Loader

It's a  bit of a ghost town here lately ?

I'm still just jotting thoughts down ......

It always puzzled me how in episode 17 Lucy is not shown getting positioned outside Trumans door by Andy as was shown to us in Andys trip to the fireman.

She just appears at the crucial moment. 

Then I remembered that someone discovered that she sometimes wears one necklace and sometimes two.

So the scene happens more than once. Official and unofficial versions.

Yep, it's very quiet here.

This is the first time I've read this observation.

In the Sheriff's Office scene she is wearing sometimes a second necklace ?

(In Andy's vision she is wearing just one).

Posted : 10/09/2018 3:20 pm
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Posted by: Lucas Bracci
Posted by: Julie Loader

It's a  bit of a ghost town here lately ?

I'm still just jotting thoughts down ......

It always puzzled me how in episode 17 Lucy is not shown getting positioned outside Trumans door by Andy as was shown to us in Andys trip to the fireman.

She just appears at the crucial moment. 

Then I remembered that someone discovered that she sometimes wears one necklace and sometimes two.

So the scene happens more than once. Official and unofficial versions.

Yep, it's very quiet here.

This is the first time I've read this observation.

In the Sheriff's Office scene she is wearing sometimes a second necklace ?

(In Andy's vision she is wearing just one).

I can't remember where I read it, but yes apparently she sometimes has 2

Posted : 10/09/2018 3:34 pm
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In the firemans mansion in part 8, we see the gold,  tubular machine that places the Laura orb and Mr C back to earth . I think it is a wormhole. 

Also in part 8, when fireman releases his gold sparkles from his head , they form a mushroom cloud, as if it balances out the bad A bomb cloud . It also looks like the sparkles on the screen ( that we saw on our trip inside the A bomb cloud ) are attracted to the firemans cloud, as  if he is absorbing the bad . 

Posted : 21/09/2018 6:47 pm
Posts: 618
Honorable Member

Since my first watch of this scene, I'm always seeing the shape of a female reproductive system above the head of the Fireman.

The sparkles are like an insemination.

At the end of the process, we have an ovula / egg / orb with a future life inside.



Posted : 22/09/2018 6:03 am
Posts: 618
Honorable Member

Just watching another scene at the Fireman's place, "Mr C. trial" (part 17).

Never noticed before the room with hundreds "bells" or "machines". Like an electric plant with many transformers.

This post was modified 6 years ago by Lucas Bracci
Posted : 22/09/2018 6:22 am
Posts: 968
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Posted by: Lucas Bracci

Just watching another scene at the Fireman's place, "Mr C. trial" (part 17).

Never noticed before the room with hundreds "bells" or "machines". Like an electric plant with many transformers.


Thanks for sharing that image! I've also never noticed the owl like symbols at the top of the window/door.

Posted : 22/09/2018 8:45 am
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Posted by: Myn0k

Thanks for sharing that image! I've also never noticed the owl like symbols at the top of the window/door.

I was focused on the machines in this room and I did not noticed the symbols over the doors.

Strange, indeed...

The doors are on the left, there is no electric flash activity in the room when Laura's orb is created.

This post was modified 6 years ago by Lucas Bracci
Posted : 22/09/2018 1:31 pm
Myn0k reacted
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Yes I  had noticed the room with the machines....e-lec-tricity, but not the symbols

Posted : 22/09/2018 5:31 pm
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Could the Audrey that we see on screen be a tulpa? 

And could Charlie be a tulpa of the arm?

In episode 13 we see that conversation between them where Audrey says "I'm not me", same as Dianes proven tulpa says.

And there's the line "do I have to end your story too?" from Charlie  and Audrey says what story is that?  Is it the story of the little girl who lives down the lane?  Is it? "


I'm guessing we are meant to draw this comparison.


Posted : 24/09/2018 12:00 am
Posts: 551
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Posted by: Julie Loader

Could the Audrey that we see on screen be a tulpa? 

And could Charlie be a tulpa of the arm?

In episode 13 we see that conversation between them where Audrey says "I'm not me", same as Dianes proven tulpa says.

And there's the line "do I have to end your story too?" from Charlie  and Audrey says what story is that?  Is it the story of the little girl who lives down the lane?  Is it? "


I'm guessing we are meant to draw this comparison.




Audrey swears a lot,  like the Diane tulpa. 


In her last scene, after a fight disrupts her dancing, she runs to Charlie  (arm tulpa ), and she says " get me outa here " and INSTANTLY she is in the white room.  Was that Charlie ending her story? 

Posted : 24/09/2018 2:59 am
Posts: 134
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I'm not sure about the rest of it,   but Audrey certainly does have quite the potty mouth!!

Posted : 24/09/2018 2:15 pm
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Posted by: Carnifex

I'm not sure about the rest of it,   but Audrey certainly does have quite the potty mouth!!

Yes but original Audrey didn't. 

Posted : 24/09/2018 8:28 pm
Posts: 338
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um, doesn't the Fireman's head mojo look a little bit like that symbol over the door?   

Posted : 24/09/2018 9:46 pm
Posts: 134
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Yeah,    I can see a similarity  there.     I'm not sure what it might mean,    though.

Posted : 25/09/2018 8:27 am
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