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Who lives in Palmer's house, why no Audrey nor Billy in the finale, and how it reinforce the Twin Peaks manifestation dream Theory

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Also... Richard and Carrie drive past the RR Cafe but there is no "Home of Twin Peaks Cherry Pie" on the top area of the outside wall above the windows.

Posted : 05/09/2017 4:53 pm
Posts: 16
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Posted by: Mike Harris

Also... Richard and Carrie drive past the RR Cafe but there is no "Home of Twin Peaks Cherry Pie" on the top area of the outside wall above the windows.

Thank you! Reinforced the theory with that also, good catch!

Posted : 05/09/2017 5:09 pm
Posts: 124
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one other thought I had was that Lynch showed us Richard and Carrie stopping at a gas station.  Was this the real world Big Ed's gas farm?

Posted : 05/09/2017 5:11 pm
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Posted by: Mike Harris

one other thought I had was that Lynch showed us Richard and Carrie stopping at a gas station.  Was this the real world Big Ed's gas farm?

It's a Valero gas station, a real gas station as you guessed https://www.valero.com/en-us

Posted : 05/09/2017 5:19 pm
Posts: 36
Eminent Member

After thinking about the finale a lot (well done BTW in this respect), I also came to feel Cooper and Diane might have crossed over to "our" reality. Like, this is how persons might behave in real life: not being too enthusiastic about every cup of coffee, driving a car long distances without having much to say, nothing much special happening. All this, in great contrast to the Part 17 comic-book showdown.

But to me this idea comes with an important modification from what is suggested above: I also felt that this "reality" comes breaking apart from the seams, as it is ultimately NOT possible to have a film/TV fiction to depict reality fully - it is still a part of a TV series. This becomes acknowledged through the cowboy fight scene (a classic film trope if anything), the somewhat weird situation inside Carrie Page's house, Cooper's superhuman intuitive ability to find the right target... and at the Palmer house all bets are off again.

Therefore I feel it's not safe to say it was all a dream, all unreal or all past rendered null and void. It would be too conclusive. It's bit like Alan Moore once wrote for an alternative reality Superman story intro: "This is an imaginary story... but aren't they all?" The reality-status of what happened before, has not changed.

Posted : 05/09/2017 5:29 pm
Posts: 22
Eminent Member

Nailed it! This is the closest explanation we're ever going to get.

Thank You!

Posted : 05/09/2017 5:42 pm
Posts: 160
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Posted by: Oz Barzilay

So after watching the finale, surprisingly (or not) not only my theory was not refuted, it was reinforced, and the clues were evident here also.

We’ll start with the fact that there was not a single mention of Audrey or Billy, cause Lynch already lay out to us what’s the deal with them as I already illustrated.

We’ll continue to the last part of episode 17, a huge amount of filming time Lynch put in front of our face the transparent face of Dale Cooper, who looks straight at us without letting go. This was not one second of looking at us as David Lynch did in his dream, these were minutes of breaking the fourth wall! And if we still didn’t understand, comes the ultimate line, already spoken by Phillip Jeffries, reinforced by Monica Bellucci, and now coming from the staring face of Agent Dale Copper: “We live inside a dream“.

And now Part 18, the finale, the part that everyone still struggling with, and I’ll show you a few points that will shed a light on where exactly Dale/Richard and Laura/Carrie actually are.

First the sign of Twin Peaks, or more accurately the missing sign of Twin Peaks. We’ve seen the sign of Odessa that Episode, aren’t we?

A real sign, from a real city, with real population of 99,940, as evident here. So why no Sign of Twin Peaks, as we’re used to throughout the series, pilot, opening credits and so on?

The only “evidence” that we’re headed to Twin Peaks is coming from Dale/Richard mouth, telling Laura/Carrie he’s taking her there.

And we’ll end with the last scene, where they come to the Palmer’s house. but is it the Palmer’s house?

No, you say, it’s the Tremond/Chalfont house, that old lady with her grandson, supposedly inhabitants of the black lodge themselves.

And I say, Lynch has pulled on us his last trick: look at the credits. Who plays Alice Tremond? Not a real actress, she's none other then Mary Reber, the real owner of the home at 708 33rd Street, Everett, the house that served as the Palmer’s house for the shooting of Twin Peaks.

“See you at the curtain call” says Dale Cooper, another clue, as this phrase refers to the moment occurring at the end of a performance when the actors return to the stage to introduce themselves (Thanks Tal A for this clue :))

Ladies and Gentlemen, the moment Dale Copper woke up in the motel, it was a different motel from the one he slept with Diane in, because that motel was in our reality.

“It‘s difficult to explain” says Richard to Carrie, and he’s right. How can he explain all of the above and that what ever strange sex ritual he had with Diane, made him wake up from our Twin Peaks manifestation dream and enter our motel, our city and our reality





Dude you're on the edge of fan-fiction, not puzzle solving.

It is extremely unlikely that "dream" is the literal since of the word, rather the dimensions themselves and the manipulations 

A more plausible exploration for the scene in the sheriff office  & Ep 17 is that Briggs the Fireman/Giant set up a trap for DoppleCoop, (part of the plan Gordon referred to). so they could get him back in the lodge, then have Coop go back to get Laura . . . But something doesn't go right

My guess is, that Phillip and the Jumping Man had something to do with it . . . 

But Gerard and the FWWM part is another clue or monkey wrench 


Posted : 05/09/2017 6:30 pm
Posts: 150
Estimable Member

Very interesting, and I'm buying it more than most any other theory I've seen so far. I'm wary of any theory claiming to explain this fully, as I don't think Lynch would make a show based on a code anyone could actually crack. But it's worth playing with for sure.

Two thoughts that I think are (vaguely) in support of this. When Coop goes off to open the door with the Room 315 key, two people accompany him. One is Diane - who's still waiting for him just outside when he emerges from his encounter with Laura Palmer. The other person who comes as far as the door is Gordon Cole. Why does he come? Coop and Diane are part of the story that follows, but he isn't. Well, maybe because he's the dreamer - the creator. He's David Lynch. He might not be in the next scene, but he gets to be on set because he's directing this production.

My other thought is that your theory would explain why Coop, as "Richard," seems to lose his... Coop-ness. It's because he's entered our world, and someone as good as Coop can't exist in our world. It's like we met our hero in real life, and we were disappointed because he just wasn't as great as he seemed on screen.

If Lynch wanted to make this a slam-dunk, maybe Richard and Linda would turn out to be Kyle MacLachlan's and Laura Dern's middle names, or something. They aren't. But I'm not surprised: Lynch doesn't like slam-dunks.

Just spit-balling here, and not completely buying in. But I do like the way you think!

Posted : 05/09/2017 7:08 pm
Posts: 124
Estimable Member
Posted by: Mike Harris

Also... Richard and Carrie drive past the RR Cafe but there is no "Home of Twin Peaks Cherry Pie" on the top area of the outside wall above the windows.

Upon further research, I think maybe that the Twin Peaks sign on the building might not have been in earlier episodes but rather on the building in real life at some point.  Not 100% sure but didn't see it there in the pilot episode 25 yrs ago.  Maybe my bad.

Posted : 05/09/2017 10:12 pm
Posts: 56
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Posted by: Mike Harris
Posted by: Mike Harris

Also... Richard and Carrie drive past the RR Cafe but there is no "Home of Twin Peaks Cherry Pie" on the top area of the outside wall above the windows.

Upon further research, I think maybe that the Twin Peaks sign on the building might not have been in earlier episodes but rather on the building in real life at some point.  Not 100% sure but didn't see it there in the pilot episode 25 yrs ago.  Maybe my bad.

I'm pretty sure in "real life" that place is not called the "RR."  And that sign was replaced for the shooting of The Return. So regardless of the Palmer house, they were at least in some version of Twin Peaks. Or in a dream of some version of Twin Peaks. Can towns have doppelgängers? Can cherry pie? If I ever stab into pie with a fork and it gets sucked up into space, I know I'm a figment of Lynch's imagination.

Posted : 05/09/2017 10:20 pm
Posts: 251
Reputable Member

Interesting theory but sounds more like something Frost and Lynch would do to let people run amok and confuse themselves than part of the show. I think they needed an alternate setup for the alternate reality of Episode 18. Why bother spending money and creating one? Just use the real world except for places they needed to say something like Judy's Diner.  I don't think it necessarily means they have actually entered our reality. It is very interesting with Audrey and 'Billy" though. 


One interesting thing from this is Audrey and her son Richard. Yes, Mr.C is seen leaving Audrey's hospital room and later calls Richard his son when Richard gets fried but it's implied very heavily that Audrey slept with Jack Wheeler/Billy Zane earlier, when she was a virgin. He could be Richard's father.

Posted : 05/09/2017 10:48 pm
Posts: 22
Eminent Member
Posted by: Oz Barzilay

So after watching the finale, surprisingly (or not) not only my theory was not refuted, it was reinforced, and the clues were evident here also.

We’ll start with the fact that there was not a single mention of Audrey or Billy, cause Lynch already lay out to us what’s the deal with them as I already illustrated.

We’ll continue to the last part of episode 17, a huge amount of filming time Lynch put in front of our face the transparent face of Dale Cooper, who looks straight at us without letting go. This was not one second of looking at us as David Lynch did in his dream, these were minutes of breaking the fourth wall! And if we still didn’t understand, comes the ultimate line, already spoken by Phillip Jeffries, reinforced by Monica Bellucci, and now coming from the staring face of Agent Dale Copper: “We live inside a dream“.

And now Part 18, the finale, the part that everyone still struggling with, and I’ll show you a few points that will shed a light on where exactly Dale/Richard and Laura/Carrie actually are.

First the sign of Twin Peaks, or more accurately the missing sign of Twin Peaks. We’ve seen the sign of Odessa that Episode, aren’t we?

A real sign, from a real city, with real population of 99,940, as evident here. So why no Sign of Twin Peaks, as we’re used to throughout the series, pilot, opening credits and so on?

The only “evidence” that we’re headed to Twin Peaks is coming from Dale/Richard mouth, telling Laura/Carrie he’s taking her there.

And we’ll end with the last scene, where they come to the Palmer’s house. but is it the Palmer’s house?

No, you say, it’s the Tremond/Chalfont house, that old lady with her grandson, supposedly inhabitants of the black lodge themselves.

And I say, Lynch has pulled on us his last trick: look at the credits. Who plays Alice Tremond? Not a real actress, she's none other then Mary Reber, the real owner of the home at 708 33rd Street, Everett, the house that served as the Palmer’s house for the shooting of Twin Peaks.

“See you at the curtain call” says Dale Cooper, another clue, as this phrase refers to the moment occurring at the end of a performance when the actors return to the stage to introduce themselves (Thanks Tal A for this clue :))

Ladies and Gentlemen, the moment Dale Copper woke up in the motel, it was a different motel from the one he slept with Diane in, because that motel was in our reality.

“It‘s difficult to explain” says Richard to Carrie, and he’s right. How can he explain all of the above and that what ever strange sex ritual he had with Diane, made him wake up from our Twin Peaks manifestation dream and enter our motel, our city and our reality





Oops, I new someone else probably beat me to this theory. Earlier I made a post with almost the same theory. A couple other things I noticed were that the street sign at the corner where the RR is located was clearly shown when they drove by it in part 18, and it reads "Bendigo Blvd". In the Twin Peaks world, the RR is located at the corner of Main and Falls Avenue I believe. But the real business is located on the corner of Bendigo. I bet if we researched it, we'd find that part 18 was the first time the street sign was shown in the entire series. 

 Also, there were several real world business/product placements in the last half of part 18, which I don't think is usually the case with this series. Some examples were Coca Cola [centrally located while Cooper deep fried the guns], Heinz Tomato cause, tobasco sauce, Heinz mustard, Maersk Container [which Cooper looks at while he is driving], Valero, and I think at least a couple more. 

Posted : 05/09/2017 10:58 pm
Marian Rubey reacted
Posts: 39
Eminent Member
Posted by: Oz Barzilay


We’ll continue to the last part of episode 17, a huge amount of filming time Lynch put in front of our face the transparent face of Dale Cooper, who looks straight at us without letting go. This was not one second of looking at us as David Lynch did in his dream, these were minutes of breaking the fourth wall! And if we still didn’t understand, comes the ultimate line, already spoken by Phillip Jeffries, reinforced by Monica Bellucci, and now coming from the staring face of Agent Dale Copper: “We live inside a dream“.

And now Part 18, the finale, the part that everyone still struggling with, and I’ll show you a few points that will shed a light on where exactly Dale/Richard and Laura/Carrie actually are.

First the sign of Twin Peaks, or more accurately the missing sign of Twin Peaks. We’ve seen the sign of Odessa that Episode, aren’t we?

A real sign, from a real city, with real population of 99,940, as evident here. So why no Sign of Twin Peaks, as we’re used to throughout the series, pilot, opening credits and so on?

The only “evidence” that we’re headed to Twin Peaks is coming from Dale/Richard mouth, telling Laura/Carrie he’s taking her there


I agree with a lot of this; also with the idea that WE are the dreamers and Lynch is drawing it to a close and pulling us back into reality (only, horror movie-style, to pull us back in with the final scream). 

At the same time, and just following my idea that Coop now dwells in the Lodge, the moment that his face appears in the background and lingers there is the moment that he meets Naido. And it is also the first time that in the season that she is calm, even happy. So in that interpretation he meets his love from the Lodge (who you remember had jumped into space over his protest in the lodge/pocket universe). He wakes up to his eternal self but is pulled back into reenacting the drama of returning Laura/ Carrie to her home.

Also--Dougie kept saying "home"

I like the reality-bringing idea, but I also like accounting for other things I've noticed.

Posted : 05/09/2017 11:04 pm
Joni Kelly reacted
Posts: 160
Estimable Member

The only problem with the "reality" idea, is it doesn't explain how Leyland and Sara would sound familiar, and  the quiet "Laura" 

Posted : 06/09/2017 6:49 am
Posts: 160
Estimable Member

The only problem with the "reality" idea, is it doesn't explain how Leyland and Sara would sound familiar, and  the quiet "Laura" 

Posted : 06/09/2017 6:49 am
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