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It is confirmed....

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Posted by: SamXTherapy

Re: The Coma hypothesis...

According to that ever-trustworthy source of online info, Wikipedia, a coma can last up to "several years", not specifying an upper limit, though.  This may be followed by return to consciousness, a progression to vegetative state, or death.

So, Audrey may be in a coma.  Bloody long time, but still.  Or she may be in a vegetative state.  Or kicked the bucket.  Or made a full and complete recovery, emigrated to Australia and is now running a Platypus farm in Darwin, or something.

Scene(s) were shot with S. Fenn, so Audrey will come in at some point. Definitely not dead.

Posted : 17/07/2017 10:12 pm
2EyedJacks reacted
Posts: 853
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In an interview, interviewer asked David Lynch about LF Boyle not appearing in FWWM, and the new show.

DL: "You can go ask Lara Flynn Boyle about that. Donna's not in this story."

Posted : 17/07/2017 10:15 pm
Posts: 200
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Posted by: SamXTherapy

Re: The Coma hypothesis...

According to that ever-trustworthy source of online info, Wikipedia, a coma can last up to "several years", not specifying an upper limit, though.  This may be followed by return to consciousness, a progression to vegetative state, or death.

So, Audrey may be in a coma.  Bloody long time, but still.  Or she may be in a vegetative state.  Or kicked the bucket.  Or made a full and complete recovery, emigrated to Australia and is now running a Platypus farm in Darwin, or something.

Yeah but is it possible to give birth while in a coma? I'm still driving the Johnny Horne's fatherhood bandwagon, but as much as I enjoy that idea, it's basically confirmed that Audrey is Richard's mother.

Posted : 18/07/2017 4:16 am
Posts: 215
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Posted by: Mr Jackpots

Just a note folks: Audrey was confirmed awake in Mark Frost's book The Secret history of Twin Peaks. she then had a falling out with her father and leaves TP

I've just finished the book. Couldn't find any sign that Audrey was out of coma. Not saying she didn't. Just saying the book doesn't tell anything about that.


Posted : 18/07/2017 4:20 am
Posts: 618
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Posted by: natural log - E

She doesn't seem to be in a coma; a person can't survive in a coma for several decades unless they're in a soap opera. For me, it seems fair to say that this is no longer soap opera territory that we're moving in.


Well, a french former soccer player (Jean-Pierre Adams) is in a coma since 1982 !


Posted : 18/07/2017 5:05 am
Posts: 7
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Might have already been said, but ever since there was mention of Audrey being in a coma and Coop visiting her, I thought that Richard was Mr C's devil offspring – obviously Audrey didn't consent to the intercourse. Richard is cursed in so many ways.

Posted : 18/07/2017 6:00 am
Posts: 7
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Very very outside chance grandson could be Johnny's son... anything is possible, right? Also, Audrey could have adopted... doesn't look much like her.

Posted : 18/07/2017 6:22 am
Posts: 316
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It is rather peculiar the longer this goes on, considering how much screen time they received in the original series, that nobody seems to even mention the names Audrey or Donna.  Not to mention Annie.  Or Judy. 

Posted : 18/07/2017 7:16 am
Posts: 142
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Posted by: Karen
Posted by: SamXTherapy

Re: The Coma hypothesis...

According to that ever-trustworthy source of online info, Wikipedia, a coma can last up to "several years", not specifying an upper limit, though.  This may be followed by return to consciousness, a progression to vegetative state, or death.

So, Audrey may be in a coma.  Bloody long time, but still.  Or she may be in a vegetative state.  Or kicked the bucket.  Or made a full and complete recovery, emigrated to Australia and is now running a Platypus farm in Darwin, or something.

Scene(s) were shot with S. Fenn, so Audrey will come in at some point. Definitely not dead.

However, Fenn was reportedly only shot somewhere between two to three screens during the entire series. And if only two of these shots made it into the final cut, and both featured her lying in bed comatose without much chance of ever gaining consciousness, that would surely leave many Audrey fans disappointed, wouldn't it 🙁 🙁 ??

That's probably why she had a number of crazy Twitter rants, possibly motivated from her character's relatively insignificance role in "TP: The Return" compared to Kyle MacLachlan for instance. Or even to some other female casts like Sheryl Lee & Madchen Amick.

Posted : 18/07/2017 8:48 am
Posts: 182
Estimable Member

Deadline said her inclusion came down the wire.  Man I hope they didn't just shoehorn her character in. But if it's just 2 scenes then that is what probably happened. 


Posted : 18/07/2017 8:05 pm
Posts: 853
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Posted by: Dale Doug a hole

Might have already been said, but ever since there was mention of Audrey being in a coma and Coop visiting her, I thought that Richard was Mr C's devil offspring – obviously Audrey didn't consent to the intercourse. Richard is cursed in so many ways.

That was Doc's guess of why he saw Cooper there ( actually Mr. C. ). He didn't KNOW it to be fact. Mr. C. might have visited Annie to be sure she "told no tales."

Posted : 18/07/2017 8:20 pm
Posts: 7
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Posted by: Laurance Emory

Very very outside chance grandson could be Johnny's son... anything is possible, right? Also, Audrey could have adopted... doesn't look much like her.

Richard had one mannerism just like Audrey. I feel certain it is her son.

I think we are not far off finding out what she is doing now.

Posted : 18/07/2017 8:27 pm
Posts: 7
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Posted by: kdawg68

It is rather peculiar the longer this goes on, considering how much screen time they received in the original series, that nobody seems to even mention the names Audrey or Donna.  Not to mention Annie.  Or Judy. 

Audrey did not play any role in Fire Walk With Me so not too surprising.

Annie appeared in Laura's bed one night as a vision telling Laura , something like the good Dale is in the Lodge, write it in your dairy. 

Posted : 18/07/2017 8:31 pm
Posts: 853
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Posted by: 2EyedJacks
Posted by: kdawg68

It is rather peculiar the longer this goes on, considering how much screen time they received in the original series, that nobody seems to even mention the names Audrey or Donna.  Not to mention Annie.  Or Judy. 

Audrey did not play any role in Fire Walk With Me so not too surprising.

Annie appeared in Laura's bed one night as a vision telling Laura , something like the good Dale is in the Lodge, write it in your dairy. 

S. Fenn was busy with some other acting job at the time, couldn't do it. Donna was a key part of Laura's story, so the role was re-cast, giving us a much better Donna.

Posted : 18/07/2017 8:37 pm
Posts: 27
Eminent Member

What are these crazy tweets that Sherilyn Fenn sent out that everybody's talking about?

Posted : 18/07/2017 8:45 pm
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