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Dougie & Janey E

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There has been a lot of conjecture in previous episode threads about what will happen when Coop regains his memory and how that will effect and interact with Janey & Sonny Jim.

This last episode got me wondering if they are trying to set up Janey E to be a good partner/match for SA Cooper. They've shown that she isn't afraid of loan sharks and she doesn't back down from assassins. She's been portrayed as a tough and intelligent woman (although her original choice in husband is questionable). Plus she's kinda goofy and definitely quirky which seems like it could be quite compatible with our beloved Dale.

Seems like it could be a perfect match.  What do you all think?

Posted : 17/07/2017 12:53 pm
Posts: 65
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Posted : 17/07/2017 1:19 pm
Posts: 70
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All I know is that Dougie has been execising a lot ♥ 

Posted : 17/07/2017 1:42 pm
Posts: 68
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To hell with Annie.  Janey E is definitely the gal for Coop!

Posted : 17/07/2017 1:44 pm
Posts: 472
Reputable Member

Dougie and Janey E is a 'tricky' part to the episode, because there is a lot to like about Janey E(99%, 'noon-thirty', 'good old karate chop', etc.), but there are some hints that all is not well in paradise here, there is trouble in the garden of eden, which Janey E's charm covers over nicely: the most forceful hint occurs right after the sex scene, we switch to Jerry Horne trapped and lost in the forest, nearly incapacitated mentally with no signal on his phone and drugged out of his mind(in a predicament very similar to Dougie-Cooper himself);  and Jerry then begins screaming 'you cannot trick me, I've been here before' as if he is giving voice to some hidden truth in the crippled and controlled Dougie who already knows where this situation leads, to the acting out by gambling and drinking, going with Jade into a self-destructive spiral.  Dougie knows what its like to go down the path that is dominated by Janey E-as-obscene 'mother's narcissism, and its a nightmare.   For instance, it is more than a little disturbing that Janey E is the most happy when her husband is a crippled mute to be led around, say and do nothing, but provide her with social status(money and what they can do with it, recognition on television for stopping Ike, admiration by the doctor for his physical condition); Janey E cares only about how she looks socially and nothing about Dougie himself, who is perfect when he is nothing but a toy doll that provides her with social status(better cars, etc.), who she can (s)mother with sandwiches and cake.

Janey E always stops Dougie from touching the police badge, and when the two officers brought Dougie home, one of them said 'he likes my badge', to which Janey E replied with something close to 'well he likes........, oh never mind, hes stupid always, this is a good day for him, etc.'.   Janey E treats Dougie like a victim, much like Sylvia treats Johnny, not allowing him to want the badge, stop Richard; so that you could never imagine Janey E saying like the soccer mom to Dougie, 'that man is no victim, he is a cobra!' and this is what Janey E is missing and I think violently excludes in her domineering approach.  Also Janey E scolds Dougie and keeps him away from raising Sonny Jim who wants to be like his father(cowboy light, detective stories, etc.).  Dougie wants to look at the sheriff statue, touch the badges, etc., then begins to hide his left hand, as if he doesn't want to be scolded by Janey E for trying to touch the badge, to follow his desire; and after Mullins tells him they together will fix his problem of being of the verge of death even if the cops wont help him, Dougie becomes inspired by the flag and sees the woman with the red-desire shoes, then hears 'mother'/Janey E banging on the door, the ominous music starts playing and Dougie fears the electrical outlet where like Leo, he lost his shoes.  Why the comparison with Leo? Leo also became a zombie after finally being defeated by Shelly and Bobby, and needed new shoes which would allow him to walk after his desire.  One side of Leo was an obscene violent figure, and the other was crippled and impotent(just like the two aspects of Agent Cooper, Mr. C and Dougie; or Richard Horne/Mr. C compared with Johnny Horne/Dougie), so that although Leo was definitely rotten, Shelly was certainly not completely innocent in the matter, she should have left Leo instead of leeching of the danger by transgressing him, either way, Leo would have come after her......no one is innocent once the garden of eden is destroyed and there is no going back.....

Janey E dominates the situation and smothers out Dougie(much like Sylvia ties up Johnny Horne to the chair, so he wont get hurt), telling the doctor he is dangerous, his drinking and gambling are the problem, if only he could stop that, etc.  Dougie is reacting to the smothering and lack of any real connection with Janey E by acting out with drinking, gambling, going wild, then seeking solace in Jade(another smothering woman who takes away all of his money/enjoyment).  The parallel with Johnny Horne is good here: Johnny is smothered by Sylvia to the point of torture, tied to a chair, prevented from doing anything to stop Richard, which he desperately wants to do, be a cop, etc., then is treated by Sylvia and Ben like a poor innocent victim, it is only then, when he feels completely helpless that his legs starts moving, he wants to act out and 'run wild', which will lead to him hitting a wall(Dougies getting killed, losing all his money to Jade, etc.), Johnny acts out by running wild, as soon as he can 'get out' from being tied to a chair or locked up, since while being locked up or tied up all he sees is the comforting teddy bear/sandwich the (s)mother gives, with the obscene head of the violent father from dumbland, the violence building up from not following desire, not acting to fix the situation, but only stuck in obscene vulgarity which is bound to explode in wild running.   

Dougie doesnt know anything different, since he is fully immersed in that vulgar world, he is going into the end of obscene madness with that drinking and gambling, until he can be done with it, start a different path, etc. Jerry Horne know this secret, wants to find a way out of 'being lost in the woods'/destructive spiral of acting out and being scolded by Janey E, then begins to scream 'ive been on this path before, you wont trick me this time', right after Janey E is at the apex of her power and Dougie looks to be oozing back into the passive-barbarism of a primordial slop, something Chad exemplifies pretty well with his constant cynicism and vulgarity, the passive-'balanced' version of Richard who goes to extremes(gold to brown, brown to gold, Jacobi's golden shovel, the old Dougie would soon be needing more 'gold' and will be less and less satisfied each time)....

Mr. C/Richard and Dougie/Johnny are one and the same, two aspects of Agent Cooper/Ben Horne, split from each other at different extremes, Cooper split by his failure to save Laura and find the ideal community in twin peaks, Ben split by his failure to dominate the local mafia, when he went into the civil war, tried to be good, etc....which seems to be failing now....so he goes back to Beverly...

Posted : 17/07/2017 2:18 pm
enttententten, SomethingVague, 100monkeys and 1 people reacted
Posts: 2250
Noble Member

Almost fell off me chair laughing at the bedroom scene.  That was comedy gold.  Coop's arms flapping up and down like a gull's wings, Janey-E in rodeo heaven... 

then the look on his face.

Magic, I tell you, sheer magic!

Posted : 17/07/2017 2:30 pm
Myn0k, Pine Cone, SomethingVague and 7 people reacted
Posts: 2608
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I'm gonna have to disagree with you Murat although as always, I truly appreciate your insight.

I don't think Janey-E is as controlling  or as shallow as your assessment of her. I think she has been dealing with a louse for many years and it has helped shape much of her behavior now. She may seem controlling and smothering, she may even be those things, but she has been dealing a spouse with a gambling addiction and an affinity for prostitutes. In other words, Dougie was not necessarily reacting to Janey-E, but rather the other way around.

When she speaks for him or in front of him, she does so because she is filling in the blanks, since he doesn't say much and mostly doesn't make sense.

There are lots and lots of examples but I don't want go into a diatribe about it.  I just don't think this relationship or this character are as symbolic or as in depth as your assessment this time.


Posted : 17/07/2017 2:35 pm
SomethingVague, r0byntn, 1stDragonarse and 2 people reacted
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Posted by: SamXTherapy

Almost fell off me chair laughing at the bedroom scene.  That was comedy gold.  Coop's arms flapping up and down like a gull's wings, Janey-E in rodeo heaven... 

then the look on his face.

Magic, I tell you, sheer magic!

Dougie/Coop has provided a lot of great comedy throughout the whole season, while I do miss the old Coop a little, I love this character.

Posted : 17/07/2017 2:44 pm
Posts: 472
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Posted by: Brandy Fisher

I'm gonna have to disagree with you Murat although as always, I truly appreciate your insight.

I don't think Janey-E is as controlling  or as shallow as your assessment of her. I think she has been dealing with a louse for many years and it has helped shape much of her behavior now. She may seem controlling and smothering, she may even be those things, but she has been dealing a spouse with a gambling addiction and an affinity for prostitutes. In other words, Dougie was not necessarily reacting to Janey-E, but rather the other way around.

When she speaks for him or in front of him, she does so because she is filling in the blanks, since he doesn't say much and mostly doesn't make sense.

There are lots and lots of examples but I don't want go into a diatribe about it.  I just don't think this relationship or this character are as symbolic or as in depth as your assessment this time.


I definitely agree to some degree, Dougie was also hurting Janey E severely and her smothering is probably also a reaction to Dougie's infidelity, wild behavior, and her attempts to restore things to acceptable conditions are admirable, to say the least. But I think it then goes overboard with the smothering, then the two reaction(Dougie's from the smothering, and Janey's from Dougies wild and cowardly behavior) both reinforce each other and spiral downwards into a nightmare, both people are to blame here, mostly Dougie the first time around. Where I would defend myself is that this is a situation of Richard and Linda(psychopath and crippled in a wheelchair), two birds with one stone, both are reinforcing the mutual self-destruction, rather than working through the hard problems and committing themselves to the mutual love relationship, or making the hard choice of breaking it off if this is necessary.

What came first, Johhny running wild, or Johnny being tied up in a chair and wanting to run wild? Either way these two aspects are part of antagonism that must be confronted and dealt with, the thread must be torn.....

Posted : 17/07/2017 2:45 pm
Posts: 2608
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Posted by: Fishinthepercolator
Posted by: SamXTherapy

Almost fell off me chair laughing at the bedroom scene.  That was comedy gold.  Coop's arms flapping up and down like a gull's wings, Janey-E in rodeo heaven... 

then the look on his face.

Magic, I tell you, sheer magic!

Dougie/Coop has provided a lot of great comedy throughout the whole season, while I do miss the old Coop a little, I love this character.

ME too!  There has been a lot of complaint about Dougie and wanting Coop back, and yes I miss Coop and I can't wait to really see him again.  But I am thoroughly enjoying his slow journey back as Dougie Jones.

Posted : 17/07/2017 2:45 pm
Posts: 2608
Topic starter

I definitely agree to some degree, Dougie was also hurting Janey E severely and her smothering is probably also a reaction to Dougie's infidelity, wild behavior, and her attempts to restore things to acceptable conditions are admirable, to say the least. But I think it then goes overboard with the smothering, then the two reaction(Dougie's from the smothering, and Janey's from Dougies wild and cowardly behavior) both reinforce each other and spiral downwards into a nightmare, both people are to blame here, mostly Dougie the first time around. Where I would defend myself is that this is a situation of Richard and Linda(psychopath and crippled in a wheelchair), two birds with one stone, both are reinforcing the mutual self-destruction, rather than working through the hard problems and committing themselves to the mutual love relationship, or making the hard choice of breaking it off if this is necessary.

What came first, Johhny running wild, or Johnny being tied up in a chair and wanting to run wild? Either way these two aspects are part of antagonism that must be confronted and dealt with, the thread must be torn.....

This is something I can get behind.  🙂

Posted : 17/07/2017 2:53 pm
Posts: 123
Estimable Member

I dunno, but is it wrong to hope they have more sex in the next 8 episodes?  Poor man has probably not had satisfaction in 25 years, and Janey-E probably hasn't since before Sonny Jim or earlier...

Posted : 17/07/2017 3:52 pm
Posts: 111
Estimable Member

While Dougie-Coop's arms flapping was very funny, I actually found the scene more disturbing than anything. Partly because of all of the reasons Murat has stated, which I whole-heartedly agree with, but also for the simple truth that she was having sex with someone she doesn't even know. She probably doesn’t care, but Cooper probably would, and it sure bothers me.

I don't like seeing her treat Cooper like an object. I want him to be able to be a full person again, and be able to make his own decisions, rather than being used.

Posted : 17/07/2017 4:20 pm
Posts: 968
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Posted by: Pantstrovich

While Dougie-Coop's arms flapping was very funny, I actually found the scene more disturbing than anything. Partly because of all of the reasons Murat has stated, which I whole-heartedly agree with, but also for the simple truth that she was having sex with someone she doesn't even know. She probably doesn’t care, but Cooper probably would, and it sure bothers me.

I don't like seeing her treat Cooper like an object. I want him to be able to be a full person again, and be able to make his own decisions, rather than being used.

He seemed to benefit from it 😀

Posted : 17/07/2017 4:26 pm
Posts: 518
Honorable Member
Posted by: Rob John Goodin

I dunno, but is it wrong to hope they have more sex in the next 8 episodes?

Hi Rob,

Only if, next time, it is a reverse cowboy with the same camera angle!  🙂

Kudos to Naomi Watt's rotating hip action, too.  Ride 'em, girl!

- /< /\ /> -

Posted : 17/07/2017 4:36 pm
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