Around the dinner table, the conversation was lively. Thank you but for now, the forum has been archived.
If you look closely at Mother, you can see, that she has some kind of "horns" yrev much like Mr. C's Ace of Spade card. Is it safe to say that the card is referring to mother?
Oh, I'd say you got it - that's an 'owl' right there
and I guess this time it IS what it seems?
Good call.
Looks good!
If this is the case though, why is bad coop looking for it?
Is Mother / Experiment a source of something the black lodge want?
I'll buy that. She is clearly a source of great power, perhaps the source of the lodges. That could be what bad Coop wants.
Maybe he wants to be the Caliph instead of the Caliph?
wow Nikolaj wow
Maybe Mr. C is after Mother so he can make her create/release more evil in the world.
wow Nikolaj wow
Maybe Mr. C is after Mother so he can make her create/release more evil in the world.
Possibly, but I feel he (maybe BOB not Mr C9 has a greater scheme going on. I think he wants to take over as the "Mother of all evil" and rule the Black Lodge supreme.
wow Nikolaj wow
Maybe Mr. C is after Mother so he can make her create/release more evil in the world.
Possibly, but I feel he (maybe BOB not Mr C9 has a greater scheme going on. I think he wants to take over as the "Mother of all evil" and rule the Black Lodge supreme.
That would be in line with Windom Earle's plan as well. Bob took Earle's soul, so maybe it's connected?
I agree that the image on the card could be Mother/Experiment and mentioned in another thread that maybe the girl in episode 8 is going to metamorphose into something that looks like Mother/Experiment. Not sure but the girl is definitely important to the plot going forward.
I noticed something else regarding this ace of spades card while rewatching episode 2 last night. I was watching on my laptop with earbuds in and heard a strange noise when DoppelCoop pulled out the card...sounds of water. I immediately of course thought of "This is the water, and this is the well". Go back and listen with headphones and you can clearly hear what I heard, also making Nikolaj's theory here even more concrete
Looks like a dog to me. Black dog runs at night. Or Mr. Strawberry himself.