Apologies if this has been discussed already, but along with the TP triangles; 253s etc, there are a red circle, red crescent and playing-card symbol:
Any ideas?
Apologies if this has been discussed already, but along with the TP triangles; 253s etc, there are a red circle, red crescent and playing-card symbol:
Any ideas?
It's quite a puzzle, this....It's possible that the full disc indicates daylight/2:53pm and the crescent with "dog head" symbol indicates night/crescent moon/2:53am-I had posted somewhere else that we haven't yet seen a White Lodge opening on-screen, and that it wouldn't be impossible for that to happen in daylight. If that's true, then both lodge entries could be open on 10/1 and 10/2. If "the black dog runs at night" (FWWM) ends up tying into this-the dog could be guarding the entrance to the Black Lodge-which canon holds is in Glastonbury Grove. The only other thing I can think of is that the full disc indicates that the sun will be over the left peak at 2:53pm and the crescent over the right peak at 2:53am on those two dates....lastly, if both lodges are open at the same time we could be in for war between them.......unless the right image is just a roast chicken in a parachute....
Cheers - I've just seen the other thread on this. There should be a cow jumping over the moon somewhere too! 🙂
unless the right image is just a roast chicken in a parachute....
Hahahaha...you should consider screenwriting 😉
Does your foot speek to you sometimes asking you for its independence maybe ?
Had not thought of the possibility of the black symbol as a dog... "black dog runs at night." Since the cow is over the moon and the dog is under the moon, we can only assume the little dog is laughing to see such sport. The dish and spoon have, of course, run away to the dinner table for some lively conversation.
Or maybe the moon is actually a left-arm, ring-finger fingernail?
I love that no symbol on this show is open to only one interpretation
this is amazing
no way!
I'm wondering if the other symbol has anything to do with all the red balloons in Vegas
My thought process of the symbols:
Two identical triangles = two Coopers
Each symbol above represents the nature of each Cooper. A good Coop and a bad Coop.
My thought process of the symbols:
Two identical triangles = two Coopers
Each symbol above represents the nature of each Cooper. A good Coop and a bad Coop.
That's a pretty good one. The obvious misdirection being, most people would interpret the triangles as the Twin Peaks. Of course, it may not be misdirection at all but them's the breaks.