just a random "what if" thought. Audrey had a visit from one of the Woodsmen during her coma. They have a knack for sneaking into places like jails, morgues, police vehicles and hospitals. Now hang on, that's not the best part. Buella and Otis have a little "Farm" where they maintain MOTHFROGs that were collected and delivered by Woodsmen... Mr. C may have ordered a Woodsman to visit Audrey and thus, Richard is the buggy result. (I had to come up with some alternative to another rape scene because that would be worse than a mothfrog crawling down her throat... now she's in the psych-ward crying for Ben & Jerry's ice cream)
Maybe Audrey is actually now running One Eyed Jacks?
I think lynch has delayed introducing her much like Diane, I reckon she'll turn up in what state who knows. Where's Richard run off to?
Maybe Audrey is actually now running One Eyed Jacks?
That would be a dark turn for her, it was a house of prostitution.
Richard was planning to leave TP, I think he's more afraid of Red than the police.
Richard was planning to leave TP, I think he's more afraid of Red than the police.
As well he should be...